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RFK Jr. Flew on Epstein's Private Jet Twice — Says Ex-Wife Had 'Some Kind of Relationship with Ghislaine Maxwell' (VIDEO)

Kennedy claimed that he has always been "open" about his relationship with the sexual predator.

RFK Jr. Flew on Epstein's Private Jet Twice — Says Ex-Wife Had 'Some Kind of Relationship with Ghislaine Maxwell' (VIDEO)

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says he flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet twice.

Kennedy previously claimed that he had only been on the controversial private jet once.

The candidate elaborated on his connection to the dead sex offender during an episode of Jesse Watter's show Primetime on Fox News this week.

The segment was focused on FBI Director Christopher Wray's testimony before the Senate Oversight Committee earlier in the day, which discussed the flight logs. Epstein was well-known for having elite celebrities and politicians, famously including Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton, on his jet, called the Lolita Express.

Democrat Sen. Dick Rubin is currently blocking the release of the flight logs after Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn requested to subpoena them in November.

"Senate Democrats have long been trying to undermine the Supreme Court and Justice Clarence Thomas, but want to ignore Justice Sotomayor allegedly using her taxpayer-funded staff to coordinate speaking engagements in exchange for selling and promoting thousands of her books. They also don’t want to have a conversation about the estate of Jeffrey Epstein to find out the names of every person who participated in Jeffrey Epstein’s human trafficking ring," Blackburn said in a statement.

Speaking to Watters, Kennedy claimed that he did not know about Epstein's "nefarious issues."

“You weren’t ever on Jeffrey Epstein’s jet, were you?” Watters asked Kennedy during the interview.

“I was on Jeffrey Epstein’s jet two times,” Kennedy replied.

The candidate added that his ex-wife, Emily Black, had “some kind of relationship with Ghislaine Maxwell,” at the time.

Maxwell has been convicted of five charges, including sex trafficking of minors, relating to bringing young girls to Epstein and his friends to sexually abuse. She was recently sentenced to 20 years in prison.

“I was on it in 1993, and I was on it in — and I went to Florida with my wife and two children to visit my mom over Easter [inaudible],” Kennedy explained. “And my wife had some kind of relationship with Ghislaine Maxwell and they offered us a ride to Palm Beach. I went then, and another occasion, I flew again with my family with, I think, four of my children.”

Kennedy claimed that he has always been "open" about his relationship with the sexual predator.

"This was in ’93, so it was 30 years ago. It was before anybody knew about Jeffrey Epstein’s, you know nefarious issues. And I agree with you that all of this information should be released," Kennedy said. "We should get real answers on what happened to Jeffrey Epstein and any of the high-level political people that he was involved with. All of that should be open to the public.”

Epstein was found dead in his prison cell in New York's Metropolitan Correctional Center on August 10, 2019. Though his death was ruled a suicide, many have questioned that determination due to the powerful figures that could have potentially been implicated by him.

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