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Rep. Ruben Gallego Calls Sen. Ted Cruz a 'F-cking Baby Killer' in Profane Social Media Rant

Rep. Ruben Gallego Calls Sen. Ted Cruz a 'F-cking Baby Killer' in Profane Social Media Rant

Arizona Rep. Ruben Gallego called Texas Senator Ted Cruz a "f-cking baby killer" in a profanity-laced series of tweets on Wednesday.

Gallego also went after the National Rifle Association, Rep. Darrell Issa, and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema.

"F-ck you @tedcruz you care about a fetus but you will let our children get slaughtered. Just get your ass to Cancun. You are useless," Gallego tweeted, referencing Cruz's trip to Cancun during power outages in his state in 2021.

The Democrat representative followed up with another tweet, saying, "Just to be clear f-ck you @tedcruz you f-cking baby killer."

Gallego was responding to comments made by Cruz, in which he pointed out politicians attempting to politicize the crime.

“Inevitably when there's a murderer of this kind, you see politicians try to politicize it, you see Democrats and a lot of folks in the media whose immediate solution is to try to restrict the constitutional rights of law abiding citizens,” Cruz said.

Next, Gallego pointed his rage at Rep. Issa for tweeting "our thoughts and prayers are with these families."

"F-ck your prayers. They haven’t worked for the last 20 mass shootings how about passing laws that will stop these killings," the politician wrote.

In a tweet to the NRA, Gallego simply wrote, "F-ck you @NRA."

The angst was not only directed at Republicans, as he next took a swipe at Sen. Sinema — a moderate member of his own party, for voting against ending the filibuster.

Sen. Sinema had tweeted, "We are horrified and heartbroken by the senseless tragedy unfolding at Robb Elementary School in Texas and grateful to the first responders for acting swiftly. No families should ever have to fear violence in their children's schools."

In response, Gallego quoted her and wrote, "Please just stop.. unless you are willing to break the filibuster to actually pass sensible gun control measures you might as well just say 'thoughts and prayers.'"

There has been discussion about Gallego running as a primary opponent to Sinema.

Newsweek reported in April that a friend of the politician told the outlet that "it's pretty clear he wants to run," and it's a decision that would come after the November midterms, perhaps "first quarter 2023."

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