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Rashida Tlaib Declares Support For 'Apartheid' Israel A Litmus Test For Progressivism

'We Will Continue To Push Back' said the Michigan Representative

Rashida Tlaib Declares Support For 'Apartheid' Israel A Litmus Test For Progressivism

Demoratic Michigan Representative Rashida Tlaib claimed one cannot support "apartheid" Israel and also call themselves progressive during a Tuesday conference on Palestine advocacy.

The annual Palestine Advocacy Days conference organized by Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action) and co-sponsored by American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) featured speakers Tlaib along with fellow Democratic representatives Illinois Rep. Marie Newman, Minnesota Rep. Betty McCollum, Indiana Rep. André Carson, California Rep. Judy Chu, Google's Ariel Koren, and Dr. Osama Abuirshaid who is an Executive Director and board member of AMP.

Tlaib, who has previously spoken at the annual conference, explained that the general opinion of Israel had become critical of the alleged apartheid state;

“I don't have to tell you all that our struggle for justice isn't an easy one. The Palestinian people are fighting against occupation, apartheid and political exculpation at every single turn. We all know that international laws and human rights meant to protect the oppressed are ignored when it comes to the apartheid government of Israel while they expand settlements while Palestinian rights are systematically denied and apartheid and oppression remain the laws of the land ... Israel is an apartheid state that systematically, through laws and actions, privileges one group over another and doesn't value all human life equally.”

The outspoken critic of Israel continued, "I want you all to know that among progressives, it has become clear that you cannot claim to hold progressive values, yet back Israel’s apartheid government, and we will continue to push back and not accept this idea that you are progressive."


Users took to Twitter to criticize the Michigan representative's comments, referring to her remarks as antisemitic.

"In one sentence, @RepRashida simultaneously tells American Jews that they need to pass an anti-Zionist litmus test to participate in progressive spaces even as she doubles down on her #antisemitism by slandering Israel as an apartheid state," said CEO of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in a Twitter thread. “It’s absolutely reprehensible and does nothing to advance the cause of peace. We call on people of good will and leaders across the political spectrum to make clear that such #antisemitism will not be tolerated.”

New York United States House representative Jerry Nadler, who is of Jewish descent, said "I fundamentally reject the notion that one cannot support Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish and democratic state and be a progressive." Nadler posted in a follow-up tweet, "I would happily put my progressive record and credentials up against anyone’s. It is both wrong and self-defeating for progressive leaders to abide such an offensive litmus tests."

"This is a dangerous, unproductive assertion. There are supporters of Israel on both sides of the aisle & within different groups of the Democratic Party. Rashida Tlaib is not the arbiter of what constitutes a progressive politician. Stop with the divisive, anti-Israel rhetoric," said House Rep. Donald McEachin.

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