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Rabbi Schmuley Challenges Nick Fuentes To Debate On Israel, Antisemitism

Schmuley: 'America's Rabbi against America's Nazi'

Rabbi Schmuley Challenges Nick Fuentes To Debate On Israel, Antisemitism

Rabbi Schmuley has challenged controversial political commentator Nick Fuentes to a debate.

Schmuley has frequently taken issue with notable political commentators regarding Israel and alleged antisemitism, including InfoWars host Alex Jones and The Daily Wire's Ben Shapiro for his previous employment of recently departed host Candace Owens.

The challenge follows Schmuley's debate with Jones last week.

The Rabbi issued his challenge to Fuentes in a Wednesday video shared to X.

"Nick Fuentes, you are the American Nazi. You're proud of it," Schmuley said, adding he didn't understand how Fuentes attended a dinner with Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, and former President Donald Trump in 2022.

"Well, Kanye West loves Hitler. I'm guessing you do too. You're like this proud American Nazi, but are you too much of a coward to debate me?" he asked. "I don't fear you at all, Nick. You're a punk. You're a Jew hater."

"I will debate you on your platform ... within reasonable conditions," Schmuley continued before giving his conditions for the proposed debate. "It has to be done from a professional studio on my part ... not Zoom."

Schmuley also demanded the two receive equal time for responses, giving credit to Jones during their debate.

"You cannot edit the debate at all whatsoever," the Rabbi said, expressing frustration that Jones had edited their debate.

Schmuley also requested the debate be held live on X, YouTube, and "any other platform that will have an American Nazi."

"My prediction is you're too much of a coward to debate me," Schmuley said, adding the debate must be based on fact.

"We're gonna debate all the things you say about Jews," he continued. "We're gonna debate Israel. We're gonna debate your ... accusations of Jewish dual-loyalty."

The rabbi said he would refrain from ad hominem attacks and encouraged Fuentes to do the same.

"My prediction is that once I begin to completely digitally decapitate you and digitally disembowel you, you'll be forced to the 'Rabbi butt plug' stuff," Schmuley said. "You'll have to fall back on that 'cause you'll have nothing else."

Schmuley reiterated he was committed to the debate, adding Fuentes needed to be "taken down from [his] lies."

"There's the challenge. No kindergarten stuff, no 'I'm going to London. Ah Schmuley, my mustache ... I'm grooming it that day,'" he said before complimenting Fuentes' mustache. "We can do this. Just get back to me."

"America's Rabbi against America's Nazi," he concluded.

Fuentes has not responded to the Rabbi as of Wednesday night.

Critics of Schmuley note the Rabbi has written books on sex and intimacy along with selling "kosher" adult intimacy products with his daughter, Chana Boteach.

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