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Penn State University Suspends 117 Students for Missing Mandatory COVID Tests

Penn State University Suspends 117 Students for Missing Mandatory COVID Tests

Officials at Penn State University suspended at least 117 students this week after the co-eds missed their mandatory weekly COVID tests.

The University posted a press release on the subject Tuesday afternoon.

“Students at University Park who are subject to required weekly COVID-19 testing and who have missed at least three weeks of testing have been notified by Penn State that they are out of compliance with the University’s health and safety policies and have been placed on interim suspension through the Office of Student Conduct. To date, 117 students at University Park have been placed on interim suspension for their failure to properly comply with Penn State’s weekly COVID-19 testing requirement,” reads the statement.

“Students who have not shared with the University that they are fully vaccinated have received weekly emails instructing them to complete the required testing. In addition, students who missed two weeks of tests had a registration hold placed on their records, which prohibits them from registering for future courses," adds the press release.

The university staff called every student who missed three tests, an effort that "brought several hundred students into compliance,”

“It’s important that both students and employees comply with our testing requirement, and we have done everything we reasonably can to ensure that these students are aware of their obligation and do what they must to honor it,” said Damon Sims, vice president for Student Affairs. “The last thing we want is to suspend them. I’m sorry these students did not follow our repeated admonitions and warnings, and I hope they will make the correction necessary. Others should not repeat their mistake.”

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