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Newsom Takes Aim At Conservatives During State Of The State

'They want to impeach the very things that have made us successful as a tactic to turn America toward a darker future'

Newsom Takes Aim At Conservatives During State Of The State

California Gov. Gavin Newsom blamed "conservatives" and "California bashers" for the state's shortcoming during Tuesday's State of the State address.

During his nearly 30-minute long pre-recorded address, Newsom said the political right wing was "threatening the very foundation" of the state's success, adding Californian culture was the "antidote" to "poisonous populism" along with "fear and anxiety" felt by Americans.

“The California way of life we recognize is under attack,” Newsom said. “For conservatives and delusional California bashers, their success depends on our failure."

"They want to impeach the very things that have made us successful as a tactic to turn America toward a darker future," he added.


"They do so in the name of ‘liberty’ and ‘freedom,’" the California governor continued. "They want to roll back social progress, social justice, racial justice, economic justice, clean air, clean water, and basic fundamental fairness. They would cleave America from the principles of freedom and the rule of law. And in the process, throw our economy and, in many respects, society as we’ve known it, into chaos.”

Republican members of the state's legislature took issue with Newsom's claims, noting Democrats have held a supermajority in California for nearly 15 years.

State Rep. Bill Essayli said the state of California was "under attack" by Newsom.

"Republicans haven't had any control in state government since 2010," Essayli wrote. "Under your leadership, violent crime is up, homelessness has soared by 40% in the last 5 years after throwing $23 billion at it, cost of living is through the room, and parental rights are being stripped away, cutting parents out of critical decisions about their children's health."

"Enough is enough," he added.

State Sen. Kelly Seyarto cited businesses fleeing the Golden State in response to California's high taxes and crime rate.

"Taking a walk down the street, it's easy to see how many businesses are closing up shop — something we see all around the state," Seyarto said. "Between soaring taxes and rampant crime, we've lost hundreds of thousands of small businesses in recent years."

Seyarto also cited the state's record high homeless population, failing infrastructure, and seemingly endless tax-funded projects like the proposed high-speed rail line.

"Legislative Republicans want to fix California by tackling retail theft, helping small businesses thrive, and getting government spending under control," he said.

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