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Natalie Winters Launches 'She's So Right' Fashion Brand

'Cute enough that I can wear it on a hot girl walk with one of my liberal friends and she's not going to be embarrassed to get coffee with me'

Natalie Winters Launches 'She's So Right' Fashion Brand

Natalie Winters, co-host of Steve Bannon's WarRoom, has launched a fashion and lifestyle brand for conservative women.

She's So Right features t-shirts, tank tops, hats and sweaters, along with totes and stickers with conservative-leaning phrases. Products feature phrases reading, "Don't tread on me pretty please," "A little bit conspiratorial," "Miss Information" and "Low social credit score."

The WarRoom co-host announced the launch of She's So Right on Sunday in an X post featuring Winters wearing a shirt that reads, "But daddy, I miss his mean tweets" — a reference to former President Donald Trump.

Winters spoke with The Post Millennial about the brand's launch and said boss Bannon was "fully on board" with her new brand.

"He goes 'you need to make a reality TV show out of it,'" Winters joked. "I don't think anybody would watch it."

The WarRoom co-host said she loved fashion growing up and believed she would become a corporate attorney for a fashion brand as a career, though acknowledged her conservative beliefs would have prevented her from pursuing that avenue.

"What used to be pictures celebrating beautiful women have become either ridiculously plus size, like 'diversity at Saks' billboard, or this weird kind of fusion of the genders," Winter said. "I've always loved fashion brands that continue to actually cater to women like Dolce and Gabbana which still designed for Melania Trump when most other brands would not."

Winters said She's So Right is "not preachy" and "more subtle" about the brand's conservative messaging.

"The most political one I have is 'more insecure than the border,'" she said of the brand's offering.

The products feature a feminine cursive pink font.

"Even though the sayings are a little bit bold, I'm still kind of flirty, and sort of softened by the design," Winters said.

All manufacturing for She's So Right is done in the United States.

"I think it's just about setting priorities," she said. "So that was actually one of most interesting things that I really saw through this. I was like, 'Oh, you actually can do made in the USA.'"

The inspiration for She's So Right came after a bad breakup, Winters said.

"When the Kevin McCarthy stuff was happening I had the Paris Hilton 'dump him' shirt from Juicy Couture. It was so hard to find because it was sold out everywhere, and I was like 'oh my God, I found it!'" she said. "And I was wearing it because I was just getting out of a relationship. But someone looked at me and looked at the shirt and did a double take. And I think they thought it was about McCarthy."

Winters said the brand is about being "cute enough that I can wear it on a hot girl walk with one of my liberal friends and she's not going to be embarrassed to get coffee with me."

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