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'More Work To Complete': Steny Hoyer Announces Re-Election Bid

The Maryland representative said the 118th Congress was the 'most partisan and polarized' he has experienced in 40 years

'More Work To Complete': Steny Hoyer Announces Re-Election Bid

Maryland Rep. Steny Hoyer announced his bid for re-election in 2024.

Hoyer, 84, announced his decision to seek re-election on Monday, saying he had "more work to complete."

"When I stepped down from my position as Majority Leader, I decided to remain in Congress because I had work I wanted to continue and complete," the Democrat wrote in his statement. "I also looked forward to returning to my work on the Appropriations Committee, which included securing the new FBI Headquarters location at Greenbelt."

The Maryland representative said he was "committed to ensuring" the new FBI Headquarters receives "full funding."

"Returning to the Appropriations Committee was also an opportunity to continue my efforts to expand Judy Centers, support military installations in the Fifth District, and address other priorities for Marylanders," he continued.

Hoyer said the 118th Congress was the "most partisan and polarized" he has experienced during his over 40 years in Congress.

"As a result, it has been the least productive as well, with Republicans' intra-party divisions blocking important progress for the American people," Hoyer wrote. "I believe in the next Congress we will have a Democratic Majority that will be able to deliver for families in Maryland and across the country."

The Maryland representative said the "values, character, and very soul of America" were at risk in the upcoming election this November.

"Freedom, which makes our nation exceptional, will be on the ballot," he wrote. "That freedom, that democracy, has been preserved by the blood and ballots of patriots so that, in Lincoln's words, this nation ‘should not perish from the earth.'"

Given the stakes, Hoyer said he has "more work to complete" on behalf of his constituents and Americans.

"I am blessed to have the good health, strength, and enduring passion necessary to continue serving my constituents at this decisive moment for Maryland and America," he wrote. "After conversations with my wife, my family, my colleagues in the Congress, and my constituents in the Fifth District, I have decided to run for another term in the Congress of the United States to advance these important priorities."

Hoyer concluded his announcement by asking fellow Marylanders for "support," "prayers," and "counsel."

Former United States Capitol Police Officer Chris Palombi noted Hoyer's longevity in politics and said he was the "poster boy for term limits."

Hoyer served in the Maryland Senate from 1967 until 1978. After two years out of office, Hoyer returned to politics by entering the United States House or Representatives on behalf of Maryland's 5th district in 1981, where he has since served. Over his time in the House of Representatives, Hoyer has served as Vice Chair and Chair of the House Democratic Caucus, along with two stints as House Minority Whip, and another two outings as House Majority Leader.

Similar to long-serving California Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Hoyer stepped away from House leadership in 2023.

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