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Media Rallies Against Vivek Ramaswamy After His Debate Quips Go Massively Viral

Media Rallies Against Vivek Ramaswamy After His Debate Quips Go Massively Viral

The media is rallying against Vivek Ramaswamy after he brutally ripped apart the other candidates during Wednesday night's GOP debate.

Haley and Christie were hit especially hard by the America First candidate's verbal grenades.

During the NewsNation debate, Ramaswamy mopped the floor with Haley by repeatedly calling out her warmongering and ties to the Military Industrial Complex.

"Nikki, I don't have a woman problem. You have a corruption problem. This is a woman who will send your kids to die so she can buy a bigger house," Ramaswamy said at one point.

He also called for her to name three provinces in Eastern Ukraine — which she could not.

"One thing that Joe Biden and Nikki Haley have in common is that neither of them could even state for you three provinces in eastern Ukraine that they want to send our troops to actually fight for," Ramaswamy said.

In another moment that spread like wildfire across social media, Ramaswamy declared, "You could put lipstick on a Dick Cheney, it is still a fascist neocon."

The bangers did not end there, Ramaswamy blasted Haley over her claim that "an attack on Israel is an attack on the United States."

"I mean, Nikki, if you can’t tell the difference between where Israel is and the U.S. is on a map, I can have my three-year-old son show you the difference," Ramaswamy said. "That is irresponsible because it has major consequences because that doesn’t leave room for what actually is an attack on America. So I believe I have the strongest pro-Israel position actually on this stage, even though it’s a little bit different than the standard GOP talking points."

Taking aim at Christie, Ramaswamy told him to "do everybody a favor. Just walk yourself off that stage, enjoy a nice meal, and get the hell out of this race."

The next morning, the media largely went into attack mode against the man who called out their chosen establishment candidates.

Fox News host Steve Doocy claimed on air that "Vivek was embarrassing."

“I would give Vivek Ramaswamy fourth place, only because he was the fourth person there,” he said.

ABC News ran the headline, "Why Ramaswamy got most 'boos' at Republican debate as he went after Haley, Christie."

As SCNR previously reported, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel is no fan of Ramaswamy — even openly calling him an "asshole" during the last debate. It is not improbable that she stacked the audience with people who support the other candidates.

“He’s an asshole. Total asshole,” McDaniel said. “He’s desperate because he’s doing bad in the polls. He won’t be getting a cent from us.”

The Telegraph ran the headline, "Vivek Ramaswamy is a certified conspiracy theorist."

Slate ran with, "Vivek Ramaswamy Crammed As Many Far-Right Conspiracy Theories As He Could Into the Last GOP Debate."

"Defending Trump, Ramaswamy Rattles Off Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories," the New York Times copy read.

"Vivek Ramaswamy called the Jan. 6 attack an 'inside job,' claimed that the 2020 election was stolen by 'big tech' and suggested that the 'great replacement theory' was Democratic policy," their subtitle read.

Mediaite and other outlets slammed Ramaswamy after his campaign inadvertently retweeted a clip of Nick Fuentes' debate performance.


The campaign was rapidly retweeting videos of his greatest hits from the night and clearly did not have time to carefully vet every video to avoid controversy.

Tricia McLaughlin, a spokeswoman for the Ramaswamy campaign, told Mediaite that “it was an inadvertent retweet in a flurry of retweets during a staff takeover that was un-retweeted moments later.”

“This is a non-story,” she said.

Despite the smears and attacks from the mainstream talking heads, one only needs to glance at social media to see that Ramaswamy was the clear star of the night.

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