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Majority of Americans From Both Parties Believe That Their Side is Losing More Often Than Winning on Big Issues

Majority of Americans From Both Parties Believe That Their Side is Losing More Often Than Winning on Big Issues

The majority of Americans from across the political spectrum believe that their side is losing more often than winning on issues that matter to them, according to a new poll.

A new Pew Research Center study released on Monday found that 72 percent of adults hold this belief, representing a seven percent increase since last year and 16 percent since early 2020.

Just 24 percent of those surveyed said that their side is winning more often than not.

"The change in the last year has come among members of both parties," the pollsters report. "Today, about eight-in-ten Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (81%) say they feel that their side is losing more often than winning politically, up from 74% who said this in 2021. In February 2020, with President Donald Trump in the White House, just 29% of Republicans said their side was losing more often than winning, while 69% said it was mostly winning."

The pollsters added that, "Democrats, who currently control the White House and both houses of Congress, are more positive than Republicans about their political standing. Still, two-thirds of Democrats and Democratic leaners (66%) say their side is losing more than winning, up from 60% in 2021."

When former President Donald Trump was in the White House in 2020, 69 percent of Republicans said that their side was mostly winning, while 80 percent of Democrats said that their side was mostly losing.

"Today, just 15% of conservative Republicans say their side has been winning more often than losing, down from 76% in 2020," the survey found "About two-in-ten moderate and liberal Republicans (21%) currently say they have been winning more often than losing, down from 58% in 2020. Views among both ideological groups for Republicans are roughly similar to what they were in 2016, when Barack Obama was president."

The pollsters wrote that, "among Democrats, about a third of conservatives and moderates (34%) say their side is winning more often than losing politically, and 29% of liberal Democrats say the same. Both groups of Democrats are more positive about how they are doing politically than they were during the Trump administration, but less positive than they were at the end of the Obama presidency, when about half said their side was winning more than it was losing."

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