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Laura Loomer Offers Cash Prizes for Citizen Journalists Confronting Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis (VIDEO)

Laura Loomer Offers Cash Prizes for Citizen Journalists Confronting Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis (VIDEO)

Laura Loomer has announced a contest with cash prizes for citizen journalists confronting Republican presidential candidates Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis.

Loomer announced the contest on her Rumble show, Loomer Unleashed.

The journalist is offering $2,000 total in cash prizes — $250 per video, with up to eight winners — to "whoever can film themselves peacefully confronting and asking a relevant question."

"Perhaps you could ask Nikki Haley about her marital infidelity, or you could ask Ron DeSantis about why he supports the confiscation of land from Iowa farmers through eminent domain. Or you can come up with your own questions based on my reporting at Loomered.com!" Loomer wrote about the contest in a post on X.

The post continued, "This is a fun and easy way for YOU to get involved and support President Donald Trump in the primary and to MAKE SURE he ends up on the ballot in November. Ever wanted to try your hand at citizen journalism but could never find the right way to start? Well here's your chance!"

Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy also appeared on Loomer's show and suggested Haley should be asked to reveal her tax records and the names of the clients of her husband's military contracting firm Allied Defense, LLC.

To enter a video in the contest, Loomer has asked people to reply to the pinned tweet on her account and tag @LauraLoomer and @LoomerUnleashed.

Since the contest was announced, Haley has stopped taking questions from the audience at her events.

In addition to her attempt to mobilize citizen journalists, Loomer also brought her contributors to Iowa to try to get tough questions answered by the candidates.

During an event in Iowa on Tuesday, Loomer Unleashed contributor Charles Downs confronted Haley about her donations from Jeffrey Epstein associate and Democrat mega-donor Reid Hoffman.

“Governor, will call on your Stand for America PAC to return Reid Hoffman’s donation in light of the Jeffrey Epstein documents?” Downs asked.

The PAC supporting Haley received $250,000 from Hoffman, who visited Epstein's island in 2014 — after his conviction for "procuring a child for prostitution."

Instead of discussing the issue, Haley stopped what she was doing and was escorted out the back door.

"Nikki Haley REFUSED to take questions after her speech at her own Iowa town hall, and then she RAN AWAY and left her own event after she was asked by @LoomerUnleashed why she is taking money from Democrat Mega Donor and Jeffrey Epstein associate Reid Hoffman, who visited Epstein Island AFTER Epstein was convicted of Pedophilia," Laura Loomer, owner of Loomer Unleashed, posted on X along with the video.

Over the weekend, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' and Haley's campaigns kicked Loomer out of events and called the police on her.

"@NikkiHaley just called the cops on me and had me escorted out of her town hall in Iowa. I was literally just standing and her staff let me inside the event after they sent me confirmation of my tickets," Loomer posted on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, with a video of the incident.

The pro-Trump journalist continued, "[Haley] wants to be President and talks a big talk about how she’s going to use her heels to put dictators in their place, but she is so triggered by my presence, she had 2 police remove me from her event."

"How does Nikki Haley plan on dealing with Putin and Xi if she can’t even handle Laura Loomer?" the post continued.

Later in the day, Loomer attempted to attend a DeSantis event.


Loomer continued, "I was just removed from @RonDeSantis ’s Presidential Campaign event in Ankeny, Iowa and threatened with ARREST by a police officer even though I had a ticket. I called the restaurant named 'Who’s On 1st' ahead of time and they confirmed the restaurant was open to the public on the top floor, but @RonDeSantis called the cops on me because he doesn’t want me asking him, @chiproytx , @RepThomasMassie and @bobvanderplaats questions about why @RonDeSantis said J6ers aren’t patriots, and why he has allowed for Capitol police to have an office in Tampa, Florida to hunt down Trump supporters."

"I was told if I came back I would be taken to jail," she added.

Loomer and her team will be in Iowa all week.

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