2024 Election /

Koch Brothers PAC Endorses Nikki Haley In GOP Primary

Group says she is the best chance to defeat President Joe Biden in next year's general election

Koch Brothers PAC Endorses Nikki Haley In GOP Primary

The political network of billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch has endorsed former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley in the 2024 Republican primary, giving her campaign access to considerable funding and a network of more than 4 million political operatives across the U.S.

In a memo from Americans For Prosperity (AFP), a political action committee (PAC) backed by the Koch brothers, senior advisor Emily Seidle says the “American people are ready to move on” and find a candidate for president other than former President Donald Trump.

“We would support a candidate capable of turning the page on Washington’s toxic culture – and a candidate who can win. And last night, we concluded that analysis. That candidate is Nikki Haley,” Seidle wrote.

Seven weeks out from the Iowa caucuses, Haley is sitting in third place in most Republican primary polls, trailing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who could be negatively impacted by the AFP endorsing and providing backing to Haley.

Haley responded to the endorsement with a statement posted to social media platform X, stating: “I’m honored to have the support of @AFPAction, including its millions of grassroots members all across the country. This election is a choice between freedom & socialism, individual liberty & big government, fiscal responsibility & spiraling debt. We have a country to save.”

Several polls show Haley has climbed into second place in recent weeks.

Trump enjoys a 50-point lead over the second-place option in multiple polls, angering some who say Trump’s margin is mathematically impossible to overcome and that AFP’s refusal to coalesce around him won’t help Republicans as the 2024 election cycle heats up.

“AFP Action is proud to throw our full support behind Nikki Haley, who offers America the opportunity to turn the page on the current political era, to win the Republican primary and defeat Joe Biden next November,” Seidle told supporters. “She has what it takes to lead a policy agenda to take on our nation’s biggest challenges and help ensure our country’s best days are ahead. With the grassroots and data capability we bring to bear in this race, no other organization is better equipped to help her do it.”

The organization says their internal polling shows that Haley has the best chance to win both the primary and general election against President Joe Biden.

Ignored in the memo are recent data showing Trump edging out Biden in significant enough numbers that Democrats are now publicly calling for a Biden replacement. One poll shows Trump besting Biden by 10 points.

In a separate memo, AFPA Senior Advisor Michael Palmer said that Haley is the most “likeable” of all the GOP presidential candidates.

“GOP primary voters, particularly in the early states, don’t just want a candidate to win Iowa or New Hampshire; they want a candidate who can get to the Oval Office,” Palmer stated. “In public and private general election polling, nationally and in the presidential swing states, Haley consistently performs the best against Joe Biden compared to Trump or DeSantis.”

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