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Joe Biden Posts Video Saying 'Donald Trump Failed America' During the Former President's Announcement Speech

Joe Biden Posts Video Saying 'Donald Trump Failed America' During the Former President's Announcement Speech

President Joe Biden posted a video and claim that former President Donald Trump "failed America" during the Republican candidate's announcement speech.

The video began with footage of Trump saying, "nobody has ever done what we've done over the last four years."

Next, a montage of reporters slamming the former president's performance in the White House began to play as a list of "failings" appeared on the screen.

Biden's video accused Trump of "rigging" the economy for the rich, "worst jobs record since the depression," "attacking healthcare," "coddling extremists," "attacking women's rights," and "inciting a violent mob" on January 6.

"Trump failed America," the video concluded.

Biden posted the attack ad just 20 minutes after former President Trump began his speech at Mar-a-Lago on November 15.

“My fellow citizens, America’s comeback starts right now,” Trump began his speech.

“Two years ago, when I left office, the United States stood ready for its golden age,” he said, before boasting of his accomplishments in the White House. "The world was at peace, America was prospering, and our country was on track for an amazing future— because I made big promises to the American people and, unlike other Presidents, I kept my promises."


Trump said the Biden administration has turned the US into a "failing nation."

"It does not have to be this way," Trump said.

“In order to make America great and glorious again, I tonight am announcing my candidacy for president of the United States,” Trump said.

The former president said that “I will fight like no one has ever fought before.”

President Biden is currently in Bali, where he is attending the final day of the G20 summit.

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