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In Reversal, Mike Rogers Announces Support for Jim Jordan For Speaker

Last Week, Rogers Indicated He May Work With House Democrats To Nominate A Bipartisan Speaker

In Reversal, Mike Rogers Announces Support for Jim Jordan For Speaker

Alabama Representative Mike Rogers announced he will support Ohio Representative Jim Jordan's bid for House Speaker.

Late last week, Rogers indicated he may seek support from House Democrats to vote on a different candidate for Speaker of the House.

On Monday morning, the Alabama representative announced in an X post he will back Jordan's bid for Speakership in a House floor vote.

"Jim Jordan and I have had two cordial, thoughtful, and productive conversations over the past two days," Rogers wrote. "We agreed on the need for Congress to pass a strong NDAA, appropriations to fund our government's vital functions, and other important legislation like the Farm Bill."

"As a result, I have decided to support Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House on the floor," he added.

"Since I was first elected to the House, I have always been a team player and supported what the majority of the Republican Conference agrees to. Together, our Republican majority will be stronger to fight Joe Biden’s reckless agenda for America," Rogers concluded.

Speaker designee Jordan also thanked Rogers in a X post.

"Thank you, Chairman Rogers. Your leadership is just what our Conference needs right now," Jordan wrote. "We must all keep coming together and get back to work."

Last week, Jordan secured the GOP nomination for Speaker garnering 152 votes on a secret ballot.

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, who ran against Jordan for Speaker of the House, had secured the GOP nomination on Wednesday with a total of 113 votes. Scalise withdrew his candidacy for the seat after reports indicated the Majority Leader could not garner the 217-vote House majority for Speakership.

Fellow House Republicans in support of Jordan have encouraged constituents to reach out to their representatives and express their support for a his Speakership.

“Incredible news: Jim Jordan just won the GOP conference nomination for Speaker of the House!” wrote Kentucky Representative Thomas Massie, an ardent supporter of Jordan, in a post to X. “Please encourage your congressman to vote for Jim Jordan!”

Some House Republicans, including fellow Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, have expressed support for Jordan. Colorado Representative Lauren Boebert also expressed support for the Ohio representative along with Florida Representative Matt Gaetz, who spearheaded the effort to remove former Speaker Kevin McCarthy from the seat last week.

Similar to Rogers, Florida Representative John Rutherford has indicated he may not support Speaker designee Jordan.

“I’m a no on allowing Matt Gaetz and the other seven to win by putting their individual in as Speaker,” Rutherford said, adding he still supports former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who was ousted from the seat two weeks ago.

McCarthy is the first Speaker of the House to be removed from the office in U.S. history.

To secure Speakership, a nominee must receive 217 out of 435 votes from Congress. Republicans currently hold a nine-seat majority over Democrats in Congress.

A vote to select a new Speaker of the House is expected sometime this week.

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