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Gallup: Support For Same-Sex Relations On The Decline

Both Democrats and Republicans are seeing shifts away from LGBTQ culture

Gallup: Support For Same-Sex Relations On The Decline

Support for same-sex relationships is now on the decline, marking a sharp reversal back to the issue's lowest level of acceptance in nearly a decade.

Sixty-four percent of Americans now believe gay or lesbian relations is morally acceptable, down from a record-high of 71 percent a year ago, according to new survey data from Gallup’s annual Values and Beliefs poll.

“The decline in the percentage of Americans believing gay or lesbian relations are morally acceptable is mainly a result of fewer Republicans holding that view,” Gallup writes in the report.

Republican support for same-sex relations has plummeted from 56 percent a year ago to just 41 percent today, which “is the lowest Gallup has measured for Republicans since 2014,” when support was only at 39 percent.

The percentage of Democrats who view same-sex relations as morally acceptable also declined six-points, from 85 percent last year to just 79 percent today. Independent voters’ views remain largely unchanged.

Public opinion shifting on same-sex relationships comes during a time when Americans around the country have galvanized to push back against pro-LGBTQ messaging targeting children and students.

In one instance, children attending an elementary school were shown a Pride month video addressing gender identity without parental consent. A separate incident involved fourth and fifth graders who were asked to join a Queer Student Alliance without parental consent.

Other events involving drag queens and parades dubbed “family-friendly” featuring public sex acts in view of children have helped fuel immense public backlash toward the LGBTQ community.

One conservative gay organization working to stop the culture’s sexualization of children says their agenda has been hijacked and is threatening all members of the LGBTQ community now.

“Do you have any idea how hard it is to watch radical activists and nefarious industries use us to sexualize, indoctrinate and medicalize children? The public is turning against us all, after we fought so hard to be accepted into civil society. It’s hard to even blame them,” Gays Against Groomers wrote on a recent Instagram post.

The organization is a 501(c)4 made up of gay individuals who “oppose the recent trend of indoctrinating, sexualizing and medicalizing children,” according to the group’s website. This includes public events where drag queens read books to children, drag shows involving or in view of children, gender theory being taught in schools, and the gender transitioning of minors.

The group added:

The struggle is real, and incredibly painful for us to witness. We never signed off on this. We never agreed to having this evil agenda pushed in our name.

It is erasing the real progress that [was] made in this country, and doing irreparable harm to not only children, but us as well.

We will not stop until it’s ended.

The Gallup survey also comes on the heels of other data that shows that Americans in general are beginning to lean more conservative, with the number of people who identify as conservative on social issues at the highest level since 2012.

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