Canada /

Freedom Convoy Organizer Tamara Lich Denied Bail — Judge Claims Her Detention is Matter of Public Safety

Freedom Convoy Organizer Tamara Lich Denied Bail — Judge Claims Her Detention is Matter of Public Safety

An Ontario court has denied bail for Tamara Lich, one of the key organizers of the Freedom Convoy.

Lich told the court that she would leave Ottawa and disavow the protest, but that it would take her a few days to make arrangements since her bank account has been frozen by the Canadian government.

Ontario Court Justice Julie Bourgeois denied granting Lich bail, claiming that the grandmother is a danger to the community.

“I cannot be reassured that if I release you into the community that you will not reoffend,” Bourgeois said, according to a report from the Vancouver Sun. “Your detention is necessary for the protection and safety of the public.”

Lich was arrested on Thursday for "counselling to commit mischief." A video of her being taken into custody was posted to social media.

Lich posted an emotional video prior to being taken into custody, explaining that she knew her arrest was imminent.

"I'm okay with that," she said in the video. "And I want you to know that I am not afraid."

Another organizer, Chris Barber, was arrested the same night and posted bail on Saturday. Barber was charged with the same crime as Lich, as well as "counseling to commit obstruction."

Bourgeois also ordered Lich to have no contact with other convoy organizers, including Barber, Patrick King, Benjamin Dichter, and Daniel Bulford.

"Lich’s bail decision came the day after the House of Commons voted to support the government’s use of measures under the Emergencies Act. The Senate is scheduled to start its own debate today on the measures," the Vancouver Sun reported.

Ottawa police have arrested 196 people involved in the demonstration against vaccine mandates for drivers traveling between the US and Canada.

As Timcast previously reported, Republican US Rep. Yvette Herrell is planning to introduce legislation to grant asylum to the Freedom Convoy demonstrators.

"Justin Trudeau’s heavy-handed crackdown against peaceful protesters in Canada is not the action of a Western Democracy, but that of an authoritarian regime like Venezuela," Rep. Herrell tweeted with a video of a Tucker Carlson segment on the subject.

Rep. Herrell continued, "Just as we provide asylum for political prisoners, we should do the same for truckers who have been subjected to violence, had their property confiscated, and their bank accounts frozen by a government that is quickly becoming the embarrassment of the free world."

"I am introducing legislation that would temporarily grant asylum to innocent Canadian protesters who are being persecuted by their own government. We cannot be silent as our neighbors to the north are treated so badly," Herrell concluded.

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