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Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani Walks Out of 9/11 Ceremony After Being Disgusted By Vice President Kamala Harris

"This is the year where I couldn't really stay. I almost felt like I wasn't being true to the memory of the people who died on that day."

Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani Walks Out of 9/11 Ceremony After Being Disgusted By Vice President Kamala Harris

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani walked out of the 9/11 memorial ceremony at Ground Zero on Monday after being disgusted by Vice President Kamala Harris.

During the annual ceremony, leaders, victims, and family members gather to read the names of those who died in the terrorist attack.

This year, Harris was in attendance.

Giuliani, the NYC mayor at the time of the attack, told Benny Johnson after the event that he left because he was disgusted by comments Harris made last year comparing January 6 to the attack on the World Trade Centers.

"Certain dates echo throughout history, including dates that instantly remind all who have lived through them. Where they were and what they were doing when our democracy came under assault. Dates that occupy not only a place on our calendars but a place in our collective memory. December 7, 1941. September 11, 2001, and January 6, 2021," Harris said in a speech on the anniversary of the January 6 protest.

Speaking to Johnson, Giuliani explained, "This is the year where I couldn't really stay. I almost felt like I wasn't being true to the memory of the people who died on that day."

"I couldn't take it anymore. I just couldn't take standing there with them and all the terrible thoughts going through my mind about how they have double-crossed not only the people that gave up their lives that day, but all the people since then that have been fighting terrorism for us," Giuliani added.

Giuliani explained that he did not even walk out of the memorial during Barack Obama's presidency but that the Biden administration's border policies have put the nation at risk of another attack.

"I was there all through the Obama administration. I could deal with that. But to have Harris... I mean, these people are allowing an invasion of the United States to take place," Giuliani said. "And probably more than most, I have a pretty good idea of how the Islamic terrorists are taking advantage of this. Just think if you were running an Islamic terrorist group and you knew that you could get anyone you wanted into the United States, anyone, just pay the cartels who you’ve been doing business with for 25 years, and they’ll get them in for you, no questions asked, would you take advantage of that? You wouldn’t be much of an Islamic terrorist if you didn’t. So they have sold us out."

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