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EXCLUSIVE: Christian Coffee Shop In California Vandalized After Threat From Local Antifa

The Vandalism Follows A Social Media Exchange In Which The Palmdale Freedom Coalition Information Captain Was Doxxed And Threatened With Violence

EXCLUSIVE: Christian Coffee Shop In California Vandalized After Threat From Local Antifa

A Christian coffee shop which hosts meetings for a community freedom coalition was vandalized following threats from a local Antifa group.

Gays Against Groomers' Director of Chapters Mario Estrada, who professionally goes by "Mario Presents" and also serves as Palmdale Freedom Coalition's (PFC) Information Captain, revealed Butler's Coffee in Palmdale, California was vandalized Wednesday night. Butler's Coffee shop has hosted the PFC's weekly meetings since August 2021.

The vandal spray painted "f--- the PFC" on the storefront of Butler's Coffee along with an anarchy symbol. Other messages were taped to the storefront, according to Estrada.

"We have their [license] plate. We have them on camera," he told Timcast News.

The vandalism follows a social media exchange between Estrada and a local Antifa Instagram account in which the PFC Information Captain was doxxed and threatened with violence.

"After a very intense conversation with a self identified member of [@blackbloc.alliance_av] who threatened to 'kick my f---ing teeth in the ground,' Butler's Coffee, a known supporter, and host of the Palmdale Freedom Coalition was vandalized last night," Estrada said. "While the investigation is ongoing, this is not the first time this business has been the target of harassment."

Estrada also revealed the owners of Butler's Coffee have previously received death threats from "unknown sources" at their homes and churches they attend.

"As the Information Captain for the Palmdale Freedom Coalition, I feel that these intimidation tactics fall squarely at the feet of Palmdale City Council who have called the group of parents, immigrants and community members extremist, violent and raucous for exercising their right to redress of grievance," Estrada claimed.

In response to this assertion, Palmdale Mayor Pro Tem Andrea Alarcón said the following in an email to Timcast News:

As a former hate crimes analyst at the US Department of Justice, I know all too well the devastating and divisive impact that hate activity can have on communities. Hateful activity has no place in our great city of Palmdale. In moments where hate surfaces, lets come together, stronger and united in our commitment to embrace every facet of our beautifully diverse City.

On Tuesday, Estrada shared a portion of his interaction with the Instagram account saying, "intimidating words are music to my ears."

Estrada said the account had initiated the interaction by sending the PFC Information Captain his old home address — seemingly in an act of intimidation through doxxing.

"You don't have the shield of protection you think you do," @blackbloc.alliance_av told Estrada, according to the screenshots. "This isn't your community."

"I've been here 30 years. I'm not hard to find," Estrada replied, noting the account owner's identity was anonymous. "This community knows me and will protect me."

"This community hates you," the account responded. "We're brave enough to push out you disgusting fascists ... kick your f---ing teeth in the ground."

"We're gonna figure out exactly where the f--- you are. Process of elimination," the account said. "Stay vigilant."

Estrada rebutted the account's threat by noting he regularly attends city council meetings.

The Gays Against Groomers Director of Chapters recently filed a freedom of information act (FOIA) request in response to an investigation the City of Palmdale opened on him.

Estrada believed the investigation was in retaliation to a particular appearance he made at a city council meeting. At that meeting, he revealed that Alarcón had a controversial past that included allegations of driving under the influence and child endangerment.

Palmdale’s investigation reportedly involves collecting information on Estrada’s social media posts, video appearances, and city council attendance, according to a late January YouTube video.

“When I first attempted to raise the issues during Alarcón’s installment, I was physically restrained, chastised, and had my microphone silenced during my public comment,” Estrada said.

The City of Palmdale reportedly followed up on Estrada's FOIA request by providing emails regarding his communications seeking the FOIA, Estrada said.

"While the City may be in possession of responsive records, some of the requested records or portions thereof may be exempt from production under one or more applicable exemptions set forth within the Public Records Act," read the City of Palmdale's response to Estrada's FOIA request. The reply cited a series of laws to support the city's stance.

"As such, the City may withhold or redact some of the requested records and information based on these exemptions, as well as any additional exemptions that may be discovered as the City reviews the records gathered in response to your request."

Editor's Note: A previous version of this article did not include comments from Palmdale Mayor Pro Tem Andrea Alarcón.

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