2024 Election /

DeSantis Fires Back At Critics Of His Footwear

'This Is No Time For Foot Fetishes'

DeSantis Fires Back At Critics Of His Footwear

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis fired back at critics who have called into question his height regarding his infamous boots.

Critics of the Florida Governor have recently highlighted DeSantis' boots, which he is frequently seen wearing.

During a Tuesday campaign stop in Houston, former President Donald Trump joined critics of DeSantis' footwear and joked about the Florida Governor wearing his infamous boots when he met him in 2018.

DeSantis responded to critics during a Thursday appearance on Newsmax with host Eric Bolling.

“There are these gotcha people, these people who just want to sit there and they want to talk about how tall you are, whether you’re wearing boots with heel extenders inside,” Bolling said. “The southern border is a disaster, terrorists are coming across the border. We got two wars that we’re kind of funding, and they want to talk about how tall you are.”

DeSantis joked, "This is no time for foot fetishes."

“We’ve got serious problems as a country. We’ve got war in the Middle East, we’ve got terrorists coming across our own southern border, we have an American dream that’s out of reach for millions of Americans because of the Bidenflation and the high energy prices," he continued. "We’ve got schools that are indoctrinating kids and not educating kids, and we’ve got cities that are being overrun by crime.”

"People want to try to divert on to other issues. I know Donald Trump and a lot of his people have been focusing on things like footwear," DeSantis said. "I’ll tell you this, if Donald Trump can summon the balls to show up to the debate, I’ll wear a boot on my head.”

DeSantis continued his criticism of Trump adding "substance" was more important and Americans deserved to see which candidate was best fit for higher office.

“And the question is: Are you able to fight for them? Which we have done in Florida. Are you able to win those fights? We have been able to in Florida,” he concluded. “And are you able to lead to a better tomorrow? We’ve done that in Florida, and we’ll do that for the United States of America.”

Trump currently holds a nearly 46-point advantage on runner-up Republican candidate and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, according to RealClearPolitics. The Florida governor is followed by former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, who leads other Republican candidates including entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, and South Carolina Senator Tim Scott.

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