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Democratic Representative Attempts to Tie Twitter Account To Witness During Weaponization Committee Meeting

Marcus Allen: 'That Is Absolutely Not My Account'

Democratic Representative Attempts to Tie Twitter Account To Witness During Weaponization Committee Meeting

California representative Linda Sanchez attempted to attribute a Twitter account to a witness during a Thursday Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government meeting.

The meeting featured testimony from three FBI whistleblowers claiming the agency targeted pro-life groups along with practicing Catholics and parents attending school board meetings by identifying them as a domestic terrism threats.

Sanchez asked suspended FBI staff operations specialist Marcus Allen if he used Twitter, to which Allen responded he had "utilized" the platform.

The California representative continued by asking Allen if his Twitter handle was @MarcusA97050645.

"That is absolutely not my account," the suspended FBI staff operations specialist responded.

Sanchez acknowledged Allen's denial of connection to the account, though asserted, "On December 5, 2022, an account under the name Marcus Allen retweeted a tweet that said quote —"

"That's not my account, ma'am," Allen repeated.

"You haven't let me finish the question, sir," Sanchez contested. "The time is mine."

"On December 5, 2022, an account under the name of Marcus Allen retweeted a tweet that said, quote, ‘Nancy Pelosi staged January 6. Retweet if you agree,'" she continued, asking Allen if he agreed with the statement.

Allen attempted to reiterate the account did not belong to him though was cut off by Sanchez who said, "I'm asking whether you agree with that statement, yes or no."

Sanchez and Chairman of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, Ohio representative Jim Jordan, briefly tussled over the California representative's time which had expired before Allen answered he did not agree with the statement.

A number of lawmakers jokingly associated Sanchez with a user by the same name — who tweeted "Donald Trump is the greatest President of my lifetime" — in an attempt to demonstrate Twitter account owners may share the same name.

"Finally, something we can agree on!" said Texas representative Troy Nehls.

"Congresswoman Linda Sanchez MUST answer for her tweet!" Florida representative Matt Gaetz wrote.

Arizona representative Paul Gosar and Colorado representative Lauren Boebert chimed in to Gaetz's tweet by replying with laughing emojis.

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