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Christie Takes Haley To Task For Suggesting Trump Is 'Fit' For Office

'Nikki Haley should be ashamed of herself'

Christie Takes Haley To Task For Suggesting Trump Is 'Fit' For Office

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie took shots at former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley for suggesting former President Donald Trump was "fit" for office.

Last week, Haley said Trump was "fit" to serve in office again, though added she didn't believe he was the "right person" for president right now.

Christie took aim at Haley in a Sunday appearance on CBS News' Face The Nation with host Margaret Brennan.

Brennan referenced a comment Christie made during the interview about the former South Carolina governor being "not a fundamentally serious candidate" for her remarks about Trump last week.

“You said you wished that she cared more about the truth. And things she said about global trade, for example, you say, shows she doesn’t even understand what she’s talking about," Brennan said. “Are you ruling out ever working with Nikki Haley in the future to defeat Donald Trump?”

Christie noted Haley had not ruled out being Trump's vice president.

"I don’t think you could take her as a serious contender against him," Christie said. "Ron DeSantis and I have both ruled out accepting the vice presidency from Donald Trump. Nikki Haley has not.”

“That’s why she’s not saying strong things against Donald Trump, why she’s saying he’s fit to be President of the United States,” he continued.


“I’m going to take Nikki Haley’s word [for] it. She says she believes he’s fit to be president," Christie said. "If you believe someone who says those kind of things and is under four criminal indictments is fit to be president, then you can agree with her. I don’t.”

In a separate Sunday interview with CNN's Jake Tapper, Christie referred to Trump as "disgusting" and appeared to suggest the former President was "dog whistling" racist remarks by discussing anti-immigration rhetoric during a New Hampshire rally.

“The other problem with this is the Republicans who are saying this is OK, almost 100 members of Congress who have endorsed him, Nikki Haley, who this week said he is fit to be president,” Christie said. “Nikki Haley should be ashamed of herself."

"She’s part of the problem, because she’s enabling him," Christie added. “She’s enabling him by saying to people, it’s OK.”

"It's not OK for an American President to be saying these things," he added.

During Trump's New Hampshire rally, the former president claimed illegal immigrants were "poisoning the blood of our country."

“They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world, not just in South America … but all over the world," Trump said. "They’re coming into our country, from Africa, from Asia, all over the world.”

According to RealClearPolitics, Trump currently holds a 50.6-point advantage over GOP runner-up and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. The Florida governor leads Haley by just under one point, followed by entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and Christie.

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