2024 Election /

Chris Christie Suspends Presidential Campaign

The former New Jersey Governor was recorded saying Nikki Haley was going to 'get smoked' just before making his announcement

Chris Christie Suspends Presidential Campaign

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has formally suspended his 2024 bid for the presidency.

Christie announced his decision at a town hall event in Windham, New Hampshire.

"It’s clear to me tonight that there isn’t a path for me to win the nomination," said Christie on Jan. 10. "Which is why I’m suspending my campaign for president of the United States."

“I would rather lose by telling the truth than lie in order to win,” he added.

NBC News reports a source familiar with his campaign says Christie will not endorse another presidential hopeful anytime soon. 

Christie's announcement came after he was recorded on the event’s livestream slamming both former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. 

“Look, she spent $68 million so far. … $59 million by DeSantis and we’ve spent [$12 million]. I mean, who is punching above their weight and who is getting a return on their investment?” Christie can be heard saying.

“And she is going to get smoked. And you and I both know it. She’s not up for this,” Christie continued, referring to Haley. 

Christie can also be heard agreeing that President Donald Trump will “carry” Iowa.

“DeSantis called me – petrified,” he added.

Christie announced his 2024 presidential campaign in June, positioning himself as a strong critic of the nation’s 45th president. 

“A lonely, self-consumed, self-serving mirror hog is not a leader,” he said during his announcement, per AP News. “The person I am talking about, who is obsessed with the mirror, who never admits a mistake, who never admits a fault, who always finds someone else and something else to blame for whatever goes wrong — but finds every reason to take credit for anything that goes right — is Donald Trump.”

Christie has not successfully elevated his position in the polls, securing on average of less than 5% support every month since he announced, according to FiveThirtyEight

Christie was criticized for not spending enough time in Iowa ahead of the caucus – which kicks off the 2024 primary season.

“I haven’t gone because I haven’t wanted to. And if I want to, I’ll go sometime later,” he told NBC News in September when asked about his absences on the Iowa campaign circuit. 

During his last presidential bid in 2016, Christie opted to terminate his campaign after the New Hampshire primary. He secured less than 10% of the vote despite making 195 campaign stops across the state. 

Trump released a statement on Truth Social highlighting Christie's hot mic statements about his fellow Republican candidates. He said Christie’s criticism of Haley was “a very truthful statement.”

“I hear Chris Christie is dropping out of the race today – I might even get to like him again!” Trump wrote. 

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