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Canadian College Threatens Jordan Peterson's Medical License, Demands Social Media Communications Training

'None Of The Complainants Involved ... Clients Of Mine, Past Or Present, Or Were Even Acquainted With Any Of My Clients'

Canadian College Threatens Jordan Peterson's Medical License, Demands Social Media Communications Training

Ontario College of Psychologists (CPO) reportedly threatened to suspend clinical psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson's medical license and demanded he take social media communication training.

Peterson took to Twitter Tuesday addressing his criticism of the Canadian college's demands.

"The Ontario College of Psychologists has demanded that I submit myself to mandatory social-media communication retraining with their experts for, among other crimes, retweeting [Pierre Poilievre] and criticizing [Justin Trudeau] and his political allies," Peterson tweeted Tuesday morning. "I have been accused of harming people (although none of the complainants involved in the current action were clients of mine, past or present, or were even acquainted with any of my clients)."

"I am to take a course of such training (with reports documenting my 'progress' or face an in-person tribunal and suspension of my right to operate as a licensed clinical psychologist," Peterson continued. "About a dozen people from all over the world submitted complaints about my public statements on Twitter and Rogan over a four year period (out of the 15 million who follow me on social media) claiming that I had 'harmed' people (not them) with my views."

"In its wisdom, CPO decided to pursue these complaints even though they could have dismissed them as vexatious," the psychologist continued.

"And even though many of them falsely claimed that they were or had been clients of mine and were allowed by CPO to have their complaints investigated despite this falsehood."

"We are now in a situation in Canada under [Justin Trudeau] where practicing professionals can have their livelihoods and public reputations threatened in a very serious manner for agreeing with the Official Opposition and criticizing major government figures," he continued. "If I comply the terms of my re-education and my punishment will be announced publicly."

"I have already had the second most serious category of punishment levied against me and have been deemed at high risk to 're-offend.'"

Peterson warned Canadians that physicians, lawyers, psychologists and other professionals were "intimidated by their commissar overlords" to be truthful with clients.

"This means that your care and legal counsel has been rendered dangerously unreliable."

"To reiterate: I face public disgrace, mandatory political re-education, disciplinary hearing and potential loss of my clinical licensing for agreeing with [Pierre Poilivere] and criticizing out standing [Prime Minister Justin Trudeau]," Peterson concluded. "I am willing (if COP concurs), which they won't) to make absolutely every word of this fully public so that everyone can decide for themselves what is actually happening."

"And to let the chips fall where they will in consequence."

Along with Peterson's support of Poilivere, the psychologist has also criticized Trudeau's former senior aid, Gerald Butts, along with New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Arden. The clinical psychologist also expressed support for last year's Trucker Convoy protest in Ottawa.

Peterson previously referred to Butts as a "stunningly corrupt and incendiary fool" in a now deleted post and further suggested the Prime Minister was a "puppet."

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