2024 Election /

Bill Maher Says Biden Will Lose In 2024 Because He's 'Too Old'

'I don’t think he can win the job. And that’s what I care about.'

Bill Maher Says Biden Will Lose In 2024 Because He's 'Too Old'

Comedian and late-night talk show host Bill Maher said President Joe Biden will lose the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

Maher gave his prediction during a Friday episode of Real Time with Bill Maher with guest and former Democratic National Committee (DNC) chair Donna Brazile.

The comedian told the former DNC chair he believed Biden was capable of carrying the country through another four years in office, though said the incumbent President would be unable to secure a second term because voters believe he is "too old."

Maher referenced a comment from Obama's former campaign strategist David Axelrod, who questioned the wisdom of Biden running for a second term in 2024.

“What do you think of prominent Democrats like David Axelrod calling for Biden to, quote, ‘get out or get going,'" Maher asked Brazile. "Did he say that? Get out or get going?”

Brazile said she believed Axelrod made the comment "in a tweet or two and some stuff."

"Look, people think that Joe Biden is perhaps too old. They’re right,” Brazile conceded.

"Perhaps?" Maher questioned the former DNC chair.

Don’t spill the water or something might come out of it. You know, everyone ages differently," Brazile continued. “Betty White lived to be 99. Mick Jagger is still twisting his a--."

Maher said he has been making the case against "ageism" for years.

“I always said it’s a case-by-case basis but with one caveat," he said. "But for that argument to have teeth at all, you also have to be the person who can go, Yeah, but this is the case.”

The comedian clarified he believed Biden could "absolutely" lead a second term in office.

"I don’t think he can win the job. And that’s what I care about," Maher said. "He’s going to lose. Because the people think he’s too old. And perception is reality. I’m sorry."

Brazile countered Maher's prediction and cautioned, "I do not count out Joe Biden."

Current polling from RealClearPolitics shows former President Donald Trump defeating Biden in 2024 by 1.6 points.

Runner-up GOP candidate hopeful and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis shows just under a 1-point advantage over the incumbent president, followed by fellow Republican candidate and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley defeating Biden by 4.8 points.

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