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Biden Says Record-High Gas Prices Are Part of 'Incredible Transition' Away From Fossil Fuels (VIDEO)

Biden Says Record-High Gas Prices Are Part of 'Incredible Transition' Away From Fossil Fuels (VIDEO)

President Joe Biden said that the record-high gas prices across the nation are part of an "incredible transition" away from fossil fuels.

Biden made the comment during a joint press conference with Japan Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Monday.

The president was asked by a reporter if Americans should expect a recession, citing gas prices and the Federal Reserve raising interest rates to combat inflation.

"Here’s the situation. And when it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over," Biden said.

Biden went on to claim that his administration has actually helped to “keep it from getting worse — and it’s bad.”

“The price of gas at the pump is something that I told you — you heard me say before — it would be a matter of great discussion at my kitchen table when I was a kid growing up,” Biden said, adding, “It’s affecting a lot of families.”

According to AAA's gas price tracker, the national average cost per gallon, nationwide, was $4.598 on Tuesday. In California, the average was over six dollars. Several other states, including Alaska, Nevada, Oregon and Washington were over five dollars per gallon.

Newsweek noted that in some parts of country, the price of a gallon of gas is now higher than the federal minimum hourly wage of $7.25.

"There it is: a gallon of gas costs more than the federal minimum wage," tweeted comedian River Butcher with a photo of the cost of gas in California.

Biden's remark was met with fierce backlash from Republicans.

"He's in Tokyo celebrating, saying 'it's an incredible transition,'" Sen. Ted Cruz said during an interview with Fox News. "Incredible for you! You fly a damn 747 where the taxpayers pay for your jet fuel. What Joe Biden is saying is, if you at home, if you drive a pickup truck, 'to hell with you; you can't drive your pickup truck. If you have a Suburban, you've got to get rid of that. We're all getting Toyota Priuses.'"

The National Republican Congressional Committee tweeted, “Democrats are celebrating the higher gas prices Americans are paying.”

“Biden refers to the skyrocketing gas prices as an ‘incredible transition.’ They’re saying the quiet part out loud now,” House Minority Whip Steve Scalise tweeted. “They’re causing you pain at the pump because it’s all part of their radical agenda.”

“Keep this in mind next time you fill up,” Boston radio host Gerry Callahan tweeted. “THIS IS WHAT THEY WANT. The pain is the point. The beatings will continue until all the intransigent rabble comply. Shut up and trade your F-150 for a Prius.”

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