2024 Election /

Biden Polling Below 50% in Ultra Blue New York

Biden Polling Below 50% in Ultra Blue New York

President Joe Biden is so wildly unpopular that he is now polling below 50 percent in the ultra-blue state of New York.

According to a newly released poll from Siena College, Biden is polling at 48 percent in the state.

The president currently leads former President Donald Trump, the Republican frontrunner, by just 12 points.

Mediaite reports, "While the results hardly indicate that Biden is in any danger of losing New York, it does speak to his unpopularity and the lack of enthusiasm for him across the country. A little over three years ago, Biden sailed to victory over Trump in the state by a little over 23%."

"There are more warning signs for Biden in the crosstabs," the report added. "The incumbent would lose independents by 12 points, the historically Democratic Jewish population by 9, and only manages to tie Trump (39%-39%) in the suburbs, where the Republican performed poorly in 2020."

Trump is also leading Biden across all seven swing states, which were crucial to Biden's win in 2020.

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