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Biden: 'My Legislation Says There Can Be No More Than Eight Bullets in a Round, Okay?' (VIDEO)

Biden: 'My Legislation Says There Can Be No More Than Eight Bullets in a Round, Okay?' (VIDEO)

President Joe Biden said during an interview over the weekend that he is pushing legislation to limit gun owners to no more than “eight bullets in a round.”

Biden made the remarks during an interview conducted for NowThis News.

The comment was made in response to a question about how he will “address high-capacity magazines” from Natalie Barden. Her brother was killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012.

"Let me say in full disclosure, I spent a lot of time in the school that this all happened. I met with every single parent who lost someone — and I've become friends with their dad. So, full disclosure," Biden began. "And I remember her when she was about, as big as you saw in the film with her brother," he said of Barden.

Biden boasted of his "assault weapons ban" in the 1990s, which has since expired.

The president said that weapons like the AR-15 are made "for one reason, to kill people." He asked, "how many deer are wearing kevlar vests?"

Biden told Barden that he will be working to ban "assault weapons" after the midterm elections if Democrats hold the majority.

"I promise you, I promise you that this next term, this next two years, I am going to do everything in my power," Biden continued. "The American people support doing away with those weapons."

The president continued, "and hon—I shouldn't say honey, I remember when you were a little. But, you know, the tragedy that occurred, and what maybe you don't know, is, folks, after what happened at her school, the state police asked to meet with me, state police who were doing the investigation."

"There were about 15 of them, and we went in a room, and some of 'em started crying, and they said, ‘We need help,’" Biden said. "They were talking about they needed mental help with what they saw, this carnage that this young man inflicted on that whole school and on the teachers as well. And so, it's just—I find no rational reason why assault weapons should be able to be sold, period. And I promise, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna go right at it again when we, when they get back in session."

“My legislation says there can be no more than eight bullets in a round,” Biden said.



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