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Audio Leaks of Biden Border Chief Admitting 'We're Going to Lose Control' of 'Unsustainable' Border Crisis

Audio Leaks of Biden Border Chief Admitting 'We're Going to Lose Control' of 'Unsustainable' Border Crisis

Secretly recorded audio of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas meeting privately with U.S. Border Patrol agents in Texas on Thursday has been leaked online.

In the audio, Mayorkas can be heard saying that the border crisis is “unsustainable” and that “we’re going to lose” control of the situation if “borders are the first line of defense” for America.

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey called on Mayorkas to step down hours after the recording went public.

“A couple of days ago I was down in Mexico, and I said look, you know, if, if our borders are the first line of defense, we’re going to lose and this is unsustainable,” he says. "We can't continue like this, our people in the field can't continue and our system isn't built for it."

Ducey said "the safety of Arizona and our entire nation" depends on Mayorkas stepping down.

"We can't have a defeatist fighting for our nation's border security. It's time for Sec. Mayorkas to resign, and he needs to be replaced with someone who will tell the truth publicly & stand up to the radical activists inside the Biden-Harris administration," Ducey tweeted.

Trump slammed the Biden administration over the border crisis in a statement published on Friday morning.

"Tragic mess in Afghanistan, a completely open and broken Border, Crime at record levels, oil prices through the roof, inflation rising, and taken advantage of by the entire world—DO YOU MISS ME YET?" Trump wrote.

The New York Post reports that Mayorkas also revealed at the meeting "that more than 212,000 illegal immigrants had been stopped by border agents last month alone."

"The 212,672 stops in July — which is a 20-year high — represented a 12.6 percent increase over June, when 188,934 stops were reported, according to figures released by the Border Patrol," the report continues.

Border Patrol has already stopped over 1.1 million illegal border crossing attempts this year.

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