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American Airlines Responds to Pilot's 'Lets' Go Brandon' Sticker

The airline sparked a viral conversation on Twitter after responding to a complaint by a passenger who noticed the political statement on a pilot's bag.

American Airlines Responds to Pilot's 'Lets' Go Brandon' Sticker

American Airlines sparked a viral interchange online after responding to a Twitter user Saturday who complained about a "Let's Go Brandon" sticker on a pilot's luggage.

Dana Finley Morrison, who has since made her Twitter account private, sent her complaint to the airline via Twitter. She took a picture of the sticker and sent a message asking if they accept "cowardly rhetoric on their crew luggage when they're in uniform."

"We are not the only passengers who noticed and were disgusted," the Morrison added.

American Airlines responded from its official Twitter account with, "Thank you for bringing this to our attention, and we want to get this to the right team. Please DM any additional details."


Morrison posted images following the interchange of what she claimed were direct messages with representatives for the airline, assuring her that the company's leadership would handle the complaint.

"We take this very seriously and have sent this over to crew leadership," American Airlines said in response to a direct message from Morrison.

Morrison accused the pilot of displaying political propaganda supporting insurrection against the US government.

The ongoing response from the airline read, "We take this very seriously and have sent this over to crew leadership. They will handle this internally after review. We assure you appropriate internal review will occur."

The exchange between Morrison and American Airlines was met with ridicule from other users on Twitter.

"Hope he and everyone else gets a raise for having to deal with Karen passengers such as this one," tweeted journalist Mollie Hemingway.


"This pilot deserves a raise for dealing with entitled Karens while doing his job," tweeted Christina Pushaw, who is the press secretary for Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla.

"Don't fire your pilots for being conservative or criticizing Biden," Pushaw further wrote. "We won't have any pilots left. As if the thousands of flight cancellations aren't enough already. @AmericanAir do the right thing."

"I'm not flying American if American won't support American free speech," said Robert Rantoul in a tweet.

According to The Dallas Morning News, American Airlines allowed crew members to wear "Black Lives Matter" pins in 2020 to respond to the ongoing riots in the US. Employees were reportedly frustrated because the company had not carved out a similar option for those who wanted to express their support for law enforcement.

Editor's Note: This headline originally stated that they apologized, but they have not and are still looking into the matter.

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