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2 YEARS to SLOW THE SPREAD? Fauci Hopes to Have COVID Under Control by Spring of 2022

2 YEARS to SLOW THE SPREAD? Fauci Hopes to Have COVID Under Control by Spring of 2022

Dr. Anthony Fauci spoke with CNN’s Anderson Cooper Monday night on the state of the COVID pandemic in the United States, saying he hopes to have the contagion “under control” by spring of 2022.

“What does control look like?” asked Cooper.

“If we can get through this winter and get the majority of non-vaccinated people vaccinated, I hope we can start to get some good control in the Spring of 2022,” stated Fauci.

The comments come as cities grapple with methods for slowing the rate of transmission.

A recent report from the New York Times created even more confusion for Big Apple business owners last week, claiming “clear barriers” that were previously recommended to separate patrons during the pandemic “may make things worse” in spreading the disease.

“Intuition tells us a plastic shield would be protective against germs. But scientists who study aerosols, air flow and ventilation say that much of the time, the barriers don’t help and probably give people a false sense of security. And sometimes the barriers can make things worse,” writes the New York Times.

“Research suggests that in some instances, a barrier protecting a clerk behind a checkout counter may redirect the germs to another worker or customer. Rows of clear plastic shields, like those you might find in a nail salon or classroom, can also impede normal air flow and ventilation,” adds the newspaper.

Watch Fauci’s comments above.

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