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Woman Living Under Socialism Warns America Not To Embrace Its 'Illusion'

The 23-year-old student had her physical safety threatened after speaking out against 'woke men'

Woman Living Under Socialism Warns America Not To Embrace Its 'Illusion'

A woman living under socialism in Europe is warning Americans to not to follow her country’s path and to continue pursuing capitalism and economic freedom.

In a lengthy post on Twitter, Ada Lluch, a 23-year-old student, warns Americans that her country’s socialist economy has been “disastrous” for many people.

“I don’t live in America and I can’t vote in America, but I know what socialism does to a society. I live in Spain and our economy is disastrous,” she cautioned. “Young people don’t have jobs and if they do they’re paid €1,000 a month at best. No one thinks to buy homes and renting is the standard.”

She also told her followers, “Yes, when you come to Spain on vacation it looks great and it is absolutely beautiful, but if you had to live on our salaries and work in our economy you wouldn’t want it.”

Lluch resides in Tortosa, a city accentuated by medieval, Renaissance and baroque architecture, which is roughly 110-mile drive down the coast from Barcelona. Her adoption of conservative principles is a departure from some in her family who have been open supporters of socialism.

“I come from a humble family,” she told Timcast in an interview. “So most of my life they were part of the socialist party because when you are poor, you believe that socialists are gonna help you. But they are they doing the opposite.”

A large contributing factor to the continued spread of socialist ideas, she says, is the media’s vilification of right-wing beliefs and principles.

“If you have conservative beliefs, you are called a fascist and you are really, really villainized,” Lluch explained.

“They believe the media. They don’t have a critical opinion about that. And they get a lot of government help, like monthly money,” she added. “They are very happy with that, so they keep voting for them and supporting them.”

In the past, Lluch says she didn’t evaluate policy critically. But, once she began to do her own research and interact with more people of different ages from around the world, it opened her eyes and she says she realized living under socialism is not how life is supposed to work.

“I had the desire to have a better quality of life, and I had a desire to earn more money and to own my own house. And I was very frustrated that I couldn't do that in Spain,” she told Timcast.

Spain’s universal healthcare system, which is mostly funded by taxpayers, is an area Lluch says has systemic challenges. While most basic healthcare services are covered and require no payment at the time of the appointment, for specialized medical care, patients will likely face additional costs and extremely long waits. A person might have to wait as long as a year to see a specialist, she says.

“People think that because the healthcare is free, you will be treated well, but that isn’t always the case,” she explained. “My grandpa has been waiting three years for a small surgery that he really needs. And the situation is pretty bad if you go to the waiting rooms in the hospital, it’s hours and hours,” as some people, she explained, are essentially just waiting to die.

Other social policies, she believes, are also lurching Spain away from decency and a well-functioning society — the most recent example being a law that decriminalizes sex with animals, as long as the animal is not injured.

Lluch, who travels to America several times per year to visit friends and has learned much about U.S. culture, is openly critical about the push by American progressives to normalize things like pedophilia and transgenderism.

“Craziness” is how she described the political environment in the U.S., before stating, “You need to change very fast as a country.”

Publicly, she was not very active politically until about three months ago, when Elon Musk, billionaire CEO of Tesla and Twitter, shared one of her posts, which went viral.

The post, which read, “Woke men are incapable of satisfying women” has now been liked nearly 100,000 times and has been re-tweeted more than 5,500 times.

“And then it went crazy, it blew up,” she explained.

The morning after Musk shared her post, she woke up and realized that her friends had blocked her on social media. People with whom she was close just one day prior were suddenly calling her names, engaging in bullying, and sharing her post within group chats, on social media platforms, and at her school.

“So, basically I lost all of my friends,” she recalled.

Prior to the tweet, Lluch barely posted on social media and had almost no followers on Twitter. Though she gained thousands of new supporters after the viral post, she also received threats to her physical safety.

However, now with an account boasting more than 75,000 followers, Lluch wants to leverage her platform to “open people’s eyes” to what’s been happening in Spain and be a voice against socialist policies.

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