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WATCH: Huge Group of 350+ Migrants Arrive at the Border; Many from Haiti, Africa, Brazil

WATCH: Huge Group of 350+ Migrants Arrive at the Border; Many from Haiti, Africa, Brazil

New images and video surfaced on social media Monday showing hundreds of migrants streaming across the US-Mexico border, many from countries like Haiti, Brazil, and places as far away as Central Africa.

“An absolutely massive group of 350+ migrants have arrived at the border fence here in Del Rio. They are from all around the world. Haiti. Africa. Brazil. Colombia. Very few from Northern Triangle. More are streaming down the path from the Rio Grande after crossing,” posted Fox News’ Bill Melugin on Twitter.



Similar footage emerged last week showing migrants being escorted into the country by Federal Agents into waiting government-owned vans.

Earlier this month, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported that federal officials have logged more than 1.1 million apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border this fiscal year.

“Apprehensions last reached the 1-million milestone in 2006. But far fewer attempted to cross that year during the searing-hot summer months, when the journey across the Rio Grande or vast ranches is especially dangerous. Approximately 68,000 migrants were taken into custody in June 2006 — compared to 188,829 apprehensions last month, which was a 5% increase from May,” the Texas Tribune reported.

Troy Miller, acting commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, said that due to the heat and intensity of the terrain at the border, they are receiving a high number of distress calls from abandoned migrants.

“We are in the hottest part of the summer, and we are seeing a high number of distress calls to CBP from migrants abandoned in treacherous terrain by smugglers with no regard for human life,” said Miller. “Although CBP does everything it can to locate and rescue individuals who are lost or distressed, the bottom line is this: the terrain along the border is extreme, the summer heat is severe, and the miles of desert migrants must hike after crossing the border in many areas are unforgiving.”

Last June, nearly 180,000 people illegally entered the United States from Mexico, according to CBP data.

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