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WATCH: Anti-War Protestors Appear at New York Gov. Kathy Hochul's 'Get Out the Vote' Rally

‘I don’t vote, I don’t support the Republicans, I don’t support the Democrats, but if the Democrats lose they really got what’s coming to them’ one protestor told Timcast. ‘They have no one to blame but themselves.’

WATCH: Anti-War Protestors Appear at New York Gov. Kathy Hochul's 'Get Out the Vote' Rally

A group of anti-imperialism protestors showed up at a “Get Out the Vote” Rally at Barnard College in New York City on Nov. 3. 

The event featured New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, who was joined by Vice President Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, and state Attorney General Tish James. 

Timcast spoke with Democrat voters who support Hochul’s gubernatorial bid, as well as the anti-war protestors who oppose U.S. involvement in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. 

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