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Report Casts Doubt on Biden Administration Allegations of Russian Election Interference In 2024 Election

Bipartisan committee warns intelligence and law enforcement agencies may fabricate Russian interference claims to benefit their preferred candidate

Report Casts Doubt on Biden Administration Allegations of Russian Election Interference In 2024 Election

President Joe Biden is reportedly preparing to accuse Russia of attempting to interfere in the upcoming U.S. elections, according to multiple sources speaking to the media on condition of anonymity.

The Biden administration is said to be planning a series of measures to counter what it describes as Kremlin efforts to target American voters with disinformation through online platforms.

According to senior officials, one avenue of Russian influence is expected to come through the state-backed media outlet RT, while other operations may be orchestrated by Russia’s Social Design Agency.

The latter was previously sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury Department for allegedly running fake news sites across Europe.

Russia has long been a focal point in U.S. political discourse, particularly since the 2016 election, when former President Donald Trump’s victory sparked widespread concern over foreign interference.

Shortly after the election, media outlets heavily covered the discovery of $100,000 to $150,000 worth of Russian-linked advertising on Facebook. The mainstream narrative was the Kremlin influenced the election in favor of Trump.

However, evidence later suggested that the ads did not overwhelmingly favor any single candidate but instead sought to amplify divisive political messages, with many of the ads airing in 2015, the year before the election.

Despite the discrediting of claims that the Kremlin’s actions decisively benefited Trump, the issue of Russian interference has remained prominent, especially among Trump’s political opponents.

Now, as the 2024 election approaches, the Biden administration’s allegations of Russian meddling are already facing pushback.

The Heritage Foundation’s Bipartisan 2024 Transition Integrity Project (TIP) responded to new Russian interference reports by arguing that American intelligence agencies should be expected to fabricate or exaggerate claims of foreign interference in the 2024 election for partisan purposes.

U.S. “intelligence and federal law enforcement decisions are captured by left-leaning ideology and a desire to maintain unconstitutional power,” the group warns in a 66-page report.

The report suggests that intelligence and law enforcement agencies have been captured by left-leaning ideologies, potentially leading to biased decision-making designed to maintain political power.

The project also cautions that renewed claims of Russian interference in the electoral process could be made up for political purposes.

“False narratives will be deliberately employed in this election cycle (or unconsciously due to institutional bias),” the group warns.

“Citizens and media outlets must meet these narratives with default incredulity,” the report continues.

“Given the litany of lies propagated by U.S. intelligence, all aimed at securing political advantage for Democrats,” including “Russian ‘collusion’ in 2016,” two “politicized impeachments” against Trump, and the “portrayal of Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation” in 2020, “the public should reflexively disbelieve and challenge the intelligence community’s allegations regarding Trump, foreign interference, and Republican efforts to legally win the White House.”

Social media users reacted to the new claims of Russian interference with ridicule directed toward the Biden administration.

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