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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to 'Force' Floor Vote On Biden Impeachment

Republican leaders warn the effort could cost the party seats in the upcoming 2024 election

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to 'Force' Floor Vote On Biden Impeachment

Republican firebrand Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is planning on moving forward with the introduction of articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden despite opposition from her party’s leadership.

As calls grow from supporters and grassroots Republicans who want the GOP to take stronger action against what are believed to be corrupt government actors, Greene plans to introduce the articles under a privileged resolution, superseding House Republican leadership’s ability to control what comes to the floor, as Breitbart noted.

News of impeachment articles headed for a full floor vote comes days after House Speaker Kevin McCarthy urged members to vote down a similar bill brought by Rep. Lauren Boebert.

McCarthy said that now is not the right time, explaining in a closed door meeting that moving forward with impeachment at this point could threaten their slim majority, costing seats in next year’s election, according to CNN.

“I don’t know what it’s going to take to get them to realize what fools Republicans look like in Congress for not moving forward on impeachment,” Greene told Breitbart in an exclusive interview.

“Joe Biden is a criminal. And as vice president of the United States, he committed crimes. He committed crimes, high crimes, and misdemeanors,” she said.

Greene continued:

We now know on the Oversight Committee through our investigation that he took a $5 million bribe from a Ukrainian oligarch in order to get Victor Shokin fired — the prosecutor that was investigating Burisma.

We have bank records after bank records after bank records showing that money was transferred, wire transferred in, from all kinds of countries all over the world, from all kinds of foreign nationals and businesses and state governments into the fake LLC, paying the Biden family members.

Everyone knows this. But for some reason, Republicans in Congress can’t even start the process of impeachment. They can’t even begin it at this point.

Greene’s attempt to bring impeachment to a floor vote comes amid a growing chord of voices pleading with Republicans to take actions against perceived corruption, rather than simply writing social media posts or sending “strongly worded letters.”

Despite intensifying calls for action, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich agrees that impeaching Biden could come at a substantial political cost.

“For starters, the impeachment will fail. At the most elementary political level, it’s not a great idea to start fights you can’t win,” Gingrich charged in a June 23 op-ed. “The majority we created in 1994 fell apart 12 years later in part because too many Republicans became willing to fail over niche ideological issues. It cost them their seats and delivered the House to Nancy Pelosi (the first time). “

He added that a clumsy impeachment effort would create a trap into which Democrats and the media want the GOP to fall, allowing Democrats to bury all of the positive work being done by House Republicans.

Gingrich added:

The most important thing House Republicans could be doing right now is listening to the American people – and doing what they want. Every effort Republicans propose should start with 70 percent approval from the American people. This is exactly the approach that Speaker Kevin McCarthy used in the debt ceiling negotiations. It’s exactly the approach the entire Republican conference should adopt for everything going forward.

Having been at the head of an impeachment fight before, I applaud some of the House GOP members’ enthusiasm. But going into this without serious preparation, an iron-clad case, a crystal-clear message, and the consent of the American people would be incredibly destructive.

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