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Political Science Professor Says Biden Should Step Aside

Jeremy Mayer says nominating another candidate at the Democratic National Convention 'would be amazing TV'

Political Science Professor Says Biden Should Step Aside

For at least the past year, numerous voices have called on President Joe Biden to step aside and formally end his bid for a return to the White House.

Recent polling has shown former President Donald Trump holding a decisive lead over Biden across the country, including in key battleground states that will ultimately decide the election.

Now, less than six months away from Election Day, a political science professor is joining the growing number of politicos urging Biden to end his candidacy to allow the Democratic Party to choose a nominee more likely to defeat Trump this November.

Jeremy Mayer, an associate professor in the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University, argues in an op-ed for USA Today that Biden’s cratering polling numbers with black and Hispanic voters is apocalyptic, and that Democrats have options for candidates who could potentially win.

“If Democrats were to nominate Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, he'd beat Trump like LeBron James posting up Kevin Hart,” he wrote. “There are many others, including Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey. Trump would look old and unhinged next to their youthful competence and sober characters.”

Some have made the case that replacing Biden at the Democratic National Convention this year would be a move fraught with extreme risk.

Mayer, by contrast, says that replacing Biden at the convention would make great television.

“Modern conventions are scripted and boring affairs that struggle to get viewers. An open convention with delegates rooting for Harris, Whitmer, Shapiro and others would be amazing TV,” he wrote. “The nation would be spellbound by great floor speeches, unexpected endorsements from politicians and celebrities, rallies, music and marches.”

Mayer pointedly urges Biden to “surprise” the GOP by ending his candidacy and allowing someone more capable to replace him:

Mr. President, you’re one of the few Americans old enough to remember when conventions were fascinating and powerful. They’ve become predictable and almost pointless. Why not pull a surprise on the Republicans, and let the convention pick the nominee for the first time in decades?

Why not go down in history as the guy who beat Trump twice and saved our republic?

The first time you beat him by running. This second time, you can beat him by not running.

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