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Pennsylvania Man Claims to Have Beheaded His Father in Graphic YouTube Video

Police have arrested a man in connection with the video which remained online for several hours after being posted

Pennsylvania Man Claims to Have Beheaded His Father in Graphic YouTube Video

A Pennsylvania man has been arrested after allegedly beheading his father and posting a graphic video where he rants about the federal government to YouTube. 

The video remained on YouTube for roughly 6 hours after being posted just after 5:30 p.m. on Jan. 30. In the video, the man – who identifies himself as Justin Mohn – holds up a severed head wrapped in plastic. He says the head belonged to his father, Mike Mohn, who he describes as a “federal employee of over 20 years.”

“He is now in hell for eternity as a traitor to his country,” Mohn said after he moved the head off camera.

Middletown Police Department Chief Joe Bartorilla confirmed that a body had been found in the second-floor bathroom of a home on Upper Orchard Drive in Levittown. The home’s owners were listed as Michael and Denise Mohn, according to The youngest son of the family was reportedly taken into custody on Jan. 30 near Fort Indian Gap, Pennsylvania. 

During his politically-motived 15-minute rant, Mohn declared himself the acting president of the United States and said he was the commander of a national militia network – which he refers of as Mohn’s Milita.

He gave several orders to his supposed network of followers, including “all federal employees are to be killed on sight” and “all FBI, IRS and other federal law enforcement office, as well as federal courthouses, are to be seized around.”

“Earn your place in heaven by sending a traitor to hell early,” Mohn said. “Violence is the only solution to the federal government actions.”

Mohn emphasized that his plan was to challenge the “traitors” in the federal government and not state governments. He even asked for Pennsylvania and New Jersey law enforcement to serve as his personal security force and to form a “protective zone" around him.

He issued a $1 million bounty on the heads of several officials, including FBI Director Chris Wray, Attorney General Merrick Garland and former Attorney General Bill Barr, and demanded President Joe Biden be brought to him in Pennsylvania if the Democrat “does not abdicate.” Mohn claimed to have $10 million to spend on such bounties.

At one point, he criticized Judge Mark Kearney, offered a $100,000 bounty, and gave what he believed to be the judge’s home address.

Kearney ruled against Mohn on several times after Mohn attempted on four occasions to sue the federal government for allowing him to take out student loans to attend Pennsylvania State University “without advising him he may not find satisfactory work as an overeducated white man almost ten years later," Mohn stated in his lawsuit.

He essentially claims the United States lent him money which he needed to repay under a student loan contract beginning in late 2014 but this loan allowed him to get a college education and he cannot find a satisfactory job as an overeducated white man to repay the loan,” Kearney wrote in December 2023. “He seeks over $10 million from the United States.”

Mohn claimed Kearney’s ruling against him meant the federal government does not need to care for its citizens and “erodes the social contract.” He also stressed that he was not racially motivated.

“Prior to the 2020 presidential election, some electors and campaign contributors in both the Republican and Democratic parties saw me as the best candidate for president of America despite my age,” said Mohn almost 12 minutes into the recording. He said his claims could be verified by former Governor John Hickenlooper and Governor John Kasich, whose 2020 campaigns were “sacrificed” for Mohn. He then said he was betrayed by the FBI and his own family. 

According to reports, the video was viewed at least 5,000 times before being removed by YouTube.

Mohn has self-published eight books, including a sci-fi novel called The Pink, Poems I Wrote While I Was Stoned, and The Punishing. He also posted original songs to YouTube including “Mommunist the Communist,” which is no longer available. 

Posts made by Mohn indicate he was critical of former President Donald Trump.

Other posts from 4chan indicate his behavior had been reported to the FBI in the summer of 2023.

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