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Pathologist Sees Rise In 'Turbo Cancers' Following mRNA Vaccination

Pathologist Sees Rise In 'Turbo Cancers' Following mRNA Vaccination

A Swedish pathologist has witnessed an explosion in aggressive cancers that she attributes directly to the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

Ute Krüger, MD, has more than 25 years of experience in clinical pathology and works as a Senior Physician at Lund University’s Clinical Pathology Department. For the past 19 years, she has focused on breast cancer. Nearly eight years ago, she accepted an offer to work at Lund, where she has studied thousands of specimens.

During a recent speech, Krüger said that in the fall of 2021, she noticed that she began receiving a higher number of lab samples indicating the presence of various cancers and tumors — a deviation from what she had seen in years prior.

She observed four unique phenomena: tumors were showing up in younger patients (ages 30 -50); they were growing more quickly and aggressively; they were larger; and multifocal (multiple tumors in the same area) and bilateral (tumors developing in both breasts of the same patient) growths were more frequent.

Krüger termed this “Turbo Cancer” and attributed it to the COVID-19 mass vaccination campaign. She added that, upon seeking assistance from colleagues to help prove or disprove her hypothesis, she was “met with little response.”

Another anomaly she observed involved recurrences.

“These are patients who have had breast cancer before and were more or less considered cured. It can be carcinoma from 20 years ago,” she said. “Relatively soon after the vaccination against COVID-19, the tumor growth explodes, and there is a pronounced spread of the tumor in the body; and some of the patients die within a few months.”

In one example, she spoke of an 80-year-old woman who had part of her breast removed with a tumor seven years ago. Yet, just three months after taking a COVID shot, the woman was diagnosed with a fast-growing tumor, as well as skin metastases, which she called “unusual.” A separate patient had a rapid tumor growth in her liver shortly after Covid vaccination and died within a month.

“I think if my theory had been wrong, no one would have cared what I said,” she noted.

Krüger says part of the difficulty in reaching a firm conclusion about the role vaccines may play in the rise of rapid-growth cancers stems from how autopsies are conducted.

In some cases with a deceased patient, no autopsy is carried out at all. In others, she explained, when an investigation is conducted, clinicians overtly lie about a patient’s vaccination status, telling researchers that the deceased had not been vaccinated against COVID, when in fact they were. A third problem with autopsies is that pathologists don’t always take samples, so no microscopic exam is performed. The fourth problem, she adds, is an overall lack of knowledge in assessing microscopic findings.

Krüger expressed frustration, and says she hasn’t given up. “But,” she added, “now it feels like I’m watching people being killed and I cannot do anything.”

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