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NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Files Paperwork to Run for Governor of New York

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Files Paperwork to Run for Governor of New York

Outgoing New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio filed paperwork Tuesday to run for Governor of New York State, jumping into a crowded Democratic field following the exit of Andrew Cuomo after allegations of sexual abuse towards staffers.

“De Blasio filed two of the three paperwork with the New York State Board of Elections last week to form a ‘New Yorkers for a Fair Future’ committee," reports Forbes Magazine. "The committee aims to start fundraising for a statewide campaign, according to the state Board of Elections, Bloomberg reports. The two-term mayor did not share his plans for a gubernatorial run in an interview with MSNBC Tuesday, but said: ‘There’s a lot that needs to be fixed in Albany’ and that he ‘looks forward’ to taking part in that conservation.”

“Osama bin Laden is probably more popular in Suffolk County than Bill de Blasio," said Rich Schaffer, chairman of Suffolk County’s Democratic Committee.

A poll from Spectrum NY1/Ipsos taken in May shows roughly half of New Yorkers give De Blasio’s job performance a thumbs down. About 40% approve of his handling of the Mayor’s office.

Read the full report at Forbes.

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