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New York City to Spend $40,000 Per Illegal Alien

Mayor Eric Adams estimates the city will shell out more than $12 billion over three years to pay for migrants flooding into the city

New York City to Spend $40,000 Per Illegal Alien

New York City is one of several U.S. cities that has taken in tens of thousands of illegal aliens over the past year, resulting in strained resources and inadequate shelter.

City officials are now expecting to spend more than $40,000 per migrant, a sum considerably larger than any of the top five cities receiving migrants, according to analysis by the New York Post.

More than 125,000 migrants have reached the five boroughs in New York City between last April and July 2023, as the Post reported — a figure significantly higher than the 110,000 estimate provided by Mayor Eric Adams who says the price tag for the crisis will hit $12 billion over the next three years.

Over the weekend, Adams signed an executive order extending his emergency declaration due to the influx of migrants, calling it “an unprecedented humanitarian crisis” requiring the city to “take extraordinary measures.”

Adams also recently said he will ban city officials from working overtime in order to pay for food, shelter and healthcare for illegal aliens. The move will impact police and fire services. He told agency heads to slash their budgets by 15 percent.

This fiscal year, there have been more than 9,000 migrants arriving in New York City each month.

City officials are now considering rehabbing a vacant, high-rise office building on Long Island and letting migrants live there for free.

“To put it in perspective how screwed New Yorkers are, we are spending more on the migrants than the entire budget of the city of Boston,” City Council Minority Leader Joe Borelli (R-Staten Island) told the Post. “We can man every public school, firehouse, and police car and pave every pothole in Boston for what we’re shelling out for this asinine concept of open borders and sanctuary cities.”

Earlier in the month, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said that his state had sent more than 13,000 migrants to New York City to help relieve the burden faced by small border towns by giving self-declared sanctuary cities the opportunity to stand by their word.

“It’s unsustainable for our agencies,” Councilwoman Joann Ariola (R-Queens) told the Post. “It’s unsustainable fiscally and it’s unsustainable for our communities and our taxpayers to bear the brunt of it. It’s unfair and everyone talks about equity. There’s no equity here.”

U.S. House Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) was recently shouted down during a speech by protestors angrily shouting “send them back.”

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