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New Report Exposes George Soros's Control of U.S. Prosecutors

Prosecutors who 'choose the law over the Soros machine’s orders' are removed

New Report Exposes George Soros's Control of U.S. Prosecutors

Following an extensive investigation, the Media Research Center (MRC) has published a new report detailing a systematic effort by billionaire George Soros and his son Alex to manipulate the American legal system through a network of 126 prosecutors, collectively governing areas covering about 30 percent of the U.S. population.

The report claims that these prosecutors are undermining law and order by selectively enforcing laws that align with a radical left-wing agenda. This investigation follows earlier reports suggesting that Soros is attempting to "quietly overhaul the U.S. justice system."

MRC obtained more than 7,785 pages of internal communications (including emails and texts), which reveal extensive control exercised by Soros-funded entities over these prosecutors, who have been strategically placed to further a left-wing political vision.

The report asserts that Soros-backed organizations exert significant influence over these prosecutors by dictating major policies: “When the prosecutors follow the Soros groups’ directions, they are rewarded. When they choose the law over the Soros machine’s orders, they are removed.”

It also highlights why prosecutors allow themselves to be dominated by Soros-backed groups: “Being a Soros prosecutor means extensive, free access to expert political consulting firms, complete with detailed polling and field-tested messaging strategies.”

Among the report’s key findings:

Massive Financial Investment

The Soros empire has invested over $117 million to elect and control these prosecutors. This includes $40 million directly used to influence elections and an additional $77 million channeled through 20 leftist nonprofit organizations that coordinate and dictate the policies of these legal officials.

Strategic Control and Coordination

A vast and interconnected network of Soros-backed groups, particularly Fair and Just Prosecution (FJP), which was founded shortly after the election of former President Donald Trump, orchestrate regular meetings, policy directives, and media narratives for these prosecutors. The report indicates that these groups held at least 51 meetings with prosecutors and issued 33 joint statements, which were signed by the majority of the 126 Soros-backed prosecutors.

Documents reveal that Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan District Attorney prosecuting Trump over alleged falsified business records, is part of the Soros network and that the prosecution of Trump was a hit-job.

“Targeting Trump was in keeping with the Soros agenda,” the report states.

“FJP declared that it was out to hold Trump ‘accountable’ for the events of Jan. 6, 2021, in a formal statement,” it continues. “Bragg’s immediate predecessor Cyrus Vance was a signatory to the FJP statement. In other words, FJP set the legal vendetta against Trump, and Bragg — who is also tied to FJP — saw it through.”

Targeting Law Enforcement and Political Opponents

The report claims that Soros-backed prosecutors often refuse to enforce certain laws, especially those related to illegal immigration, drug offenses, and abortion. This selective enforcement, dubbed a "prosecutorial veto," allows them to push an agenda while undermining the rule of law. They are also accused of targeting police officers and political opponents, particularly those aligned with conservative ideologies.

Manipulation of Media Narratives

FJP and other Soros-backed groups are deeply involved in crafting media narratives that support their agenda. This includes writing op-eds, drafting social media posts, and organizing public relations campaigns to influence public opinion and silence criticism.

Allegations of Lawbreaking and Ethical Violations

The report highlights numerous instances where Soros-backed prosecutors allegedly broke laws or violated ethical norms to further their political goals. This includes refusing to prosecute certain crimes and colluding with external organizations to undermine state and federal laws.

"The Texas Five"

"Soros groups lobbying state officials were not always formal, blue-state institutions like the Prosecutors Alliance or Virginia Progressive Prosecutors for Justice (VPP),” according to the report.

MRC says, arguably, the most powerful state-level group in the Soros network is known as: “The Texas Five.”

This group includes:

  • Dallas County DA John Creuzot

  • Travis County DA Jose Garza

  • Bexar County DA Joe Gonzales

  • Nueces County DA Mark Gonzalez

  • Fort Bend County DA Brian Middleton

According to the report, this group took pledges in which they vowed not to follow existing state law, including:

  • A June 2022 FJP Pledge to “refuse to prosecute those who seek, assist in or provide abortions.”

  • A June 2021 FJP Pledge not to prosecute anyone for illegally giving hormone suppressants to children under the guise of “gender-affirming care.”

  • An October 2020 FJP Pledge “not to enforce laws criminalizing abortion, even if the Supreme Court were to retreat from the protections of Roe v. Wade.”

  • A June 2019 FJP Pledge “not to prosecute individuals” who obtain or perform unlawful abortions. This statement singled-out Texas as a state and its laws would not be enforced under this pledge.

After becoming concerned that their ties to FJP were becoming a liability, they agreed to a “stay under the radar” strategy, where they would no longer sign onto briefs “until this all blows over.”

The Texas Five is also said to have a “venomous” hatred for three-term Attorney General Ken Paxton. The group lobbied the Texas Supreme Court to bar Paxton from bringing any criminal election integrity case, such as the prosecution of fraudulent voting.

“The Texas Five’s work on pledges and sabotaging the attorney general’s enforcement of the laws meant they were now taking orders from the Soros machine to directly contradict their oaths of office,” the report states. “Soros groups shielded the Texas Five from the consequences of their actions, footing their personal legal bills and helping them lobby the legislature to ignore their actions. A sixth Soros prosecutor refused to go along with this ploy, and as a result was ruthlessly targeted by the Soros machine and defeated.”


MRC outlined a number of recommendations on how to address the threat of this network quietly foisting its agenda upon America.

These include the media launching more serious investigations into the Soros operation, and getting congressional officials, governors, state attorneys general, and private attorneys involved.

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