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Moscow Says War 'Inevitable' If NATO Sends Troops To Ukraine

French President says 'We will do anything we can to prevent Russia from winning this war'

Moscow Says War 'Inevitable' If NATO Sends Troops To Ukraine

In a stark warning about escalating the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, officials in Moscow are now warning that the deployment of NATO troops in Ukraine would “inevitably” result in a direct military conflict between NATO and Russia.

When Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was asked how he would assess the probability of war between NATO and Russia should troops be sent to Ukraine, he said, “In that case, it’s not going to be about probability, but inevitability — that’s how we assess it,” state media TASS Russian News Agency reported.

Peskov added that NATO member countries “should also assess” the consequences of a troop deployment and “ask themselves whether this corresponds to their interests, and most importantly, to the interests of the citizens of their countries.”

Russia’s warning comes within days of NATO announcing it will send 90,000 troops to the alliance’s largest military exercise since the Cold War.

During public remarks this week, French President Emmanuel Macron hinted at sending troops to Ukraine, though he explained there is currently no consensus between the 21 member nations.

“Nothing should be ruled out,” Macron said while speaking with reporters. “We will do anything we can to prevent Russia from winning this war.”

Multiple countries are not supportive of sending soldiers to Ukraine.

A spokesman for British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said the United Kingdom is among the countries not planning to deploy troops to Ukraine.

“What was agreed among ourselves and with each other from the very beginning also applies to the future, namely that there will be no ground troops, no soldiers on Ukrainian soil sent there by European countries or NATO states,” he said.

While domestic support for the war is down, recent survey data shows that 74 percent of Americans view the Russia-Ukraine conflict as important to U.S. national interests, with nearly half (43 percent) saying it is “very important.”

Last week, on the eve of the two year anniversary of the start of the most recent conflict between Russia and Ukraine, President Joe Biden announced 500 new sanctions against Russia.

The White House also imposed new export restrictions on nearly 100 entities “providing backdoor support” to Moscow’s military campaign.

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