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More Than Half of Voters Believe Biden Mentally Unfit For Presidency, According to New Poll

Survey Data Show That If the 2024 election were held today, Trump would beat Biden

More Than Half of Voters Believe Biden Mentally Unfit For Presidency, According to New Poll

Results from the September 2022 Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll show that 56 percent of voters believe President Joe Biden is mentally unfit to serve as President of the United States.

In addition, 64 percent of voters also believe Biden is too old to hold office as president.

Harvard CAPS-Harris’s monthly poll covers a bevy of topics and found that Biden’s approval rating on his handling of key issues is weak across the board.

On his handling of the economy, only 37 percent of voters approve — a figure down seven points from a year ago. Considering his handling of immigration, only 37 percent of voters approve — down three points from a year ago. When asked about Biden’s ability to deal with violence and crime, only 38 percent of voters approve. And 36 percent of voters believe he is satisfactorily handling inflation, which ranked as their top concern.

Biden’s overall approval rating is at 41 percent.

Results also show that the FBI’s raid on former-President Donald Trump’s home in Palm, Beach, Florida have not hurt his standing.

Trump remains the most favored political figure, edging out Mike Pence and Bernie Sanders.

Results show that if the Republican primary for the 2024 presidential election were held today, 59 percent of voters would support Trump.

In a 2024 re-match between Trump and Biden, Trump would win, according to the survey data. The poll also shows Trump beating Kamala Harris in a 2024 match-up and Harris also losing to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

The general congressional ballot for the 2022 midterms favors Democrats 51 - 49.

Two-thirds of voters say the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade has created turmoil. 40 percent say the ruling makes them more likely to vote Democrat, while 32 percent say it makes them more likely to vote Republican.

"The dynamics for a Republican surge are here but the Democrats have held the dam as the midterms remain a dead heat," said Mark Penn, Co-Director of the Harvard-CAPS Harris Poll and Stagwell Chairman and CEO. "The Democrats' most recent moves may have killed their momentum, though, as most Americans disapproved of Biden's speech calling MAGA Republicans a threat to the country. His executive order cancelling student debt has not attracted new voters, either. Americans want less politicization, not more."

Additional notable findings of the survey include:

  • 63 percent of voters believe the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) should appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the Hunter Biden laptop

  • 60 percent found Biden’s recent speech in Philadelphia divisive

  • 73 percent of Democrats think it is not a gross exaggeration to say that there are tens of millions of dangerous MAGA Republicans

  • More than half of voters believe the Inflation Reduction Act will increase inflation

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