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‘LOVE GOV’ SHUNNED: All New York Members of Congress Call on Gov. Andrew Cuomo to Resign

‘LOVE GOV’ SHUNNED: All New York Members of Congress Call on Gov. Andrew Cuomo to Resign

Every New York Member of Congress from both the House and Senate called on Governor Andrew Cuomo to resign Tuesday after his Attorney General released a report showing he “sexually harassed multiple women.”

"As we have said before, the reported actions of the Governor were profoundly disturbing, inappropriate and completely unacceptable," Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) said in a statement. "Today’s report from the New York State Attorney General substantiated and corroborated the allegations of the brave women who came forward to share their stories — and we commend the women for doing so."

"No elected official is above the law," Schumer and Gillibrand added. "The people of New York deserve better leadership in the governor’s office. We continue to believe that the Governor should resign."

Cuomo maintained his innocence Tuesday afternoon.

"My attorney, who is a non-political former federal prosecutor, has done a response to each allegation. And the facts are much different than what has been portrayed," Cuomo said. "I want you to know directly from me that I never touched anyone inappropriately or made inappropriate sexual advances."

"I do embrace people. I do hug people. Men and women," Cuomo added. "On occasion I do slip and say sweetheart or darling or honey. I do banter with people. I do tell jokes, some better than others. I am the same person in public as I am in private."

Read the full report at Fox News.

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