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Left-wing Group Launches Campaign Urging Biden Not to Run

'President Biden has not shown himself to be the president we need'

Left-wing Group Launches Campaign Urging Biden Not to Run

A left-wing activist group has launched a six-figure campaign urging President Joe Biden not to run for re-election in 2024.

Roots Action, which touts itself as a progressive organization that helped defeat Donald Trump in the 2020 election, has called Biden "neither bold nor inspiring" and on July 11 declared political war with a formal effort to prevent his re-election in 2024.

"The shortcomings of the Biden administration should neither be denied nor used as an excuse to sit out the 2022 midterm election battles," the group said in a press release on their new website DontRunJoe.org. “'Moderate' policies have failed to truly address such pressing concerns as the climate emergency, voting rights, student debt, health care, corporate price-gouging, and bloated military spending in tandem with anemic diplomacy."

The announcement comes as Biden's approval rating has dropped to below 30 percent and a devastating New York Times poll shows 64 percent of Democrats don't want Biden to run for a second term. The poll also found that just 13 percent of American voters think the country is on the right track and 94 percent of Democrats under the age of 30 want someone other than Biden as the party's nominee.

Roots Action says it has an email list with 1.2 million supporters within the United States and will mobilize them to prevent Biden from being the 2024 nominee.

“We’re making this announcement today because the current debate over whether Biden should run again focuses too narrowly on his age and the latest polls,” said Jeff Cohen, Roots Action co-founder. “It’s his performance — his inability to fight for working people and stand up against Republican and corporate obstruction —  that has us worried about 2024.”

The organization says its activists have had a wide array of successes, from advancing federal legislation to Senate confirmations. It is officially a nonprofit named "Action for a Progressive Future" and relies on public donations.

“We need a president with the vision, courage and power to achieve voting rights, a rapid transition to renewable energy, universal health care, access to abortion in all states, and controls on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines," said Pia Gallegos, a Roots Action board chair. "We need a president who will not cater to the oil and gas lobbies, the weapons industry, or the pharmaceutical companies but who will serve the working families of this country. President Biden has not shown himself to be the president we need.”

Roots Action is not the only organization lobbying against Biden's re-election bid. The New York Times has written six articles speaking out against a Biden re-election within the last month alone, according to Breitbart News.

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