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Leaked Message From Stormy Daniels Says She Never Slept With Trump

Private Facebook message was posted by an associate who says she was 'outraged' by Daniels' behavior

Leaked Message From Stormy Daniels Says She Never Slept With Trump

Private messages purportedly from adult film star Stormy Daniels show statements made to a confidant alleging that Daniels never slept with former President Donald Trump, and that if she had, she would have asked for more than $130,000 to remain quiet.

According to a Las Vegas news outlet, one of Daniels’ friends who was outraged by the performer's behavior published part of their private conversation to Facebook, where it was viewed by the woman’s friends.

Before the post was deleted, a friend who saw it grabbed a screenshot and passed it along to 360 News Las Vegas, who published it with permission from the woman who originally posted it.

“Oh f--- off. I NEVER had sex with him,” the woman who appears to be Stormy Daniels said in the private Facebook message. “I had a business conversation (not related to sex at all) but that I’m not at liberty to discuss.”

The woman who is said to be Daniels then referenced the $130,000 hush money payment Trump allegedly made, saying, “And if I had, I’d have made a lot more than that number they are talking about. You should know me better.”

The story originally ran in March, but has resurfaced in the wake of the historic indictment of Trump in connection with the payment allegedly made to Daniels.

The woman who posted the image to her Facebook account had agreed to sit down for an interview to further discuss her private conversation with Daniels, but then declined.

“We don’t know if someone got to her or if she just dislikes President Trump or what,” 360 News said.

The outlet added, “But we feel a duty to the country to publish this story and let the public judge its truthfulness and accuracy.”

The friend who ostensibly outed Daniels said in a separate Facebook post that when the story first came out, Daniels denied it. “She’s a smart woman, and raking in the cash that’s for sure, I’ll giver her that, but she’s taking it way to [sic] far!”

She continued, “Now she wants to make more money ‘telling her story.’”

Trump was charged on April 4 by New York authorities who indicted him with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, along with an accompanying statement saying the payments to Daniels were to influence the outcome of the 2016 election.

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