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James O'Keefe Exposes Potential Money Laundering Scheme By Democrat Fundraising Group ActBlue

Thousands of donations are being made in the names of people who say they didn't send them

James O'Keefe Exposes Potential Money Laundering Scheme By Democrat Fundraising Group ActBlue

Democrat fundraising aggregator ActBlue may be falsifying records of the names and addresses of listed donors in an illegal money laundering scheme to circumvent campaign finance laws, according to a new investigation by James O’Keefe, former head of Project Veritas.

Under his new company, O’Keefe Media Group, a team partnered with a Maryland-based citizen journalist group called Election Watch, searched Federal Election Commission (FEC) records and found thousands of donations attributed to individual donors in patterns and frequencies that indicated a high potential for fraud.

Some of the names and addresses of senior citizens were used for thousands of individual donations per year, including some whose names were attached to more than $200,000 in donations to ActBlue.

O’Keefe took a small crew with cameras to the homes of listed donors to ask them if the information about the frequency and amount of their donations were correct.

In a video posted to Twitter, all of the individuals said that numerous donations made in their names were not made by them.

The first person O’Keefe interviewed was a man named Michael Jamieson, who, according to FEC data, was listed as the source of $32,000 in donations across more than 3,000 different contributions.

When asked if he was aware of the donations, Jamieson said, “No, I’m not.”

The second person the team interviewed was a woman named Cindy Nowe, who supposedly donated to ActBlue more than 1,000 times during 2022. The total contributions ascribed to her name totaled $18,849.77, meaning that Nowe would have had to donate three times per day, every single day, all year, O’Keefe said.

Nowe told the crew that she donated to ActBlue “once in a while,” but said she did not donate nearly $18,850.

“I wish I could have donated $18,000 to Biden’s presidency,” she said, before adding that her actual contributions are just a few donations around $5.

Nowe added that she is unaware that people are using her address to make donations.

Under federal election law, the FEC requires reporting of contributions that exceed $50, including the amount, date of receipt, and donor’s name and mailing address. For contributions aggregating about $200, that information plus the donor’s occupation and employer is required. In some cases, small cash donations are legal, but falsifying records is always prohibited.

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