2024 Election /

Iowa Caucusgoers Unfazed By Trump's Criminal Charges

30% say they want 'complete and total upheaval' from a presidential candidate who will enact sweeping changes to the federal government

Iowa Caucusgoers Unfazed By Trump's Criminal Charges

Former President Donald Trump is facing four sets of criminal charges with a total of 91 indictments as the 2024 election season formally kicks off today with the Iowa caucuses.

Voters participating in the caucuses tonight say they are unbothered by the charges facing Trump, according to the Associated Press (AP) VoteCast, a survey of more than 1,500 voters who say they plan to participate in the caucuses.

Roughly three-quarters of caucusgoers consider the charges politically motivated attempts to undermine him, rather than legitimate attempts to pursue valid criminal acts — although, according to VoteCast, about a quarter of respondents believe Trump has done something illegal in at least one of the ongoing cases he’s facing.

The survey is relevant considering last August separate polling showed that nearly half (45 percent) of Republican voters said they would not vote for Trump if he were convicted of a felony.

While the former president’s legal cases are of no concern for most Iowa caucusgoers, immigration and the economy are top rated issues, with about 40 percent ranking immigration as the top issue facing the country in the VoteCast survey.

Roughly one-third say the number one issue is the economy. Fewer people listed other issues as most concerning, including foreign policy, health care, abortion, and energy.

An overwhelming majority (70 percent) say that immigrants are a negative for the country, “an indication that they’re not only seeking more order on the U.S. southern border but major cuts on how many foreigners can come into the country,” the AP stated.

When asked about building a wall on the U.S. southern border with Mexico, about 90 percent say they support it, with about 70 percent “expressing strong support.”

Large numbers of caucusgoers also express a willingness for “sweeping changes to how the federal government is run,” saying they “care far more about disruption than seeking common ground,” AP explained.

Roughly 30 percent want “complete and total upheaval,” while 60 percent say they want substantial changes.

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