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Idaho Hospital Goes Into Lockdown Following Protest Sparked by Removal of Underweight Infant from Parents’ Custody

Protestors have been outside the facility for the last four days

Idaho Hospital Goes Into Lockdown Following Protest Sparked by Removal of Underweight Infant from Parents’ Custody

A hospital in Boise, Idaho, went into lockdown after protestors arrived to demonstrate against the state’s removal of a 10-month-old baby from his parents' care.

Saint Luke’s Boise Medical Center locked down for an hour on March 15 after protestors gathered outside the hospital. 

Nurses, doctors, and other employees were instructed not to enter or exit the building, and not open the doors to anyone,” reports KTVB7. “Incoming ambulances carrying patients were diverted away from St. Luke's to Saint Alphonsus and other area hospitals.”

The lockdown was lifted just before 3 P.M. 

Demonstrations have been going on for the past four days. An estimated 140 people arrived at Saint Luke’s Boise Medical Center on March 12 to oppose the “medical kidnapping.”

Investigators have said the child at the center of the debate was determined to be in “imminent danger” and was removed from his parents' custody.

The boy, 10-month-old Cyrus Anderson, had been brought to the hospital on March 1 where medical professionals determined he was malnourished.

Miranda Chavoya, the child's aunt, told the Idaho Statesman on March 12 that the pediatrician said her nephew should be taken to the emergency room because he was struggling to digest proteins and had lost significant weight.

Cyrus stayed at the hospital, gained weight, and was discharged on March 4.

As part of his ongoing care, the boy was supposed to be re-evaluated by his pediatrician during a follow-up appointment. At the time of the appointment last week, the 10-month-old had once again lost weight

After his parents, Levi and Marissa Anderson, missed a subsequent follow-up, the child's mother called to reschedule the next appointment.

Meanwhile, child welfare officials informed police the boy could die without treatment. Then, officers obtained a warrant to enter the parent’s home after they refused to allow law enforcement access. 

Eventually, on March 11, the parents were pulled over with their child in their car and arrested.

The mother, Marissa, livestreamed a video with police inside the ambulance that had been called to transport Cyrus to the hospital. She said police told her she could ride with her child, but when she arrived at the hospital she was informed she had to give up custody of her son or she would be arrested.

Chavoya said the staff at Saint Luke’s has said they do not have a patient under her nephew’s name.

The protest was encouraged by Ammon Bundy, a gubernatorial candidate who said he heard state officials were planning to move the baby from the hospital to foster care. He posted a video about the case on his YouTube channel.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates. 

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