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Hamas Accepts, Israel Rejects UN Security Council Ceasefire Resolution

Israel vows to keep fighting in Gaza despite a deal that would secure the release of all hostages

Hamas Accepts, Israel Rejects UN Security Council Ceasefire Resolution

Hamas has accepted a United Nations Security Council ceasefire resolution and is poised to proced with negotiations over the details.

Senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri emphasized the importance of the U.S. administration's role in getting the ceasefire agreement signed.

"The U.S. administration is facing a real test to carry out its commitments in compelling the occupation to immediately end the war in an implementation of the UN Security Council resolution," Zuhri told Reuters.

Qatari and Egyptian mediators are awaiting formal responses from both Hamas and Israel, leading to speculation about the progress of the deal. The UN Security Council passed the U.S.-drafted ceasefire proposal with 14 votes in favor and Russia abstaining.

The proposed agreement outlines a three-phase approach to ending the war in Gaza:

Phase One: This would include an “immediate, full, and complete ceasefire with the release of hostages including women, the elderly and the wounded, the return of the remains of some hostages who have been killed, and the exchange of Palestinian prisoners,” according to a statement from the UN.

During this phase, Israel would also withdraw forces from “populated areas” of Gaza, and allow the return of Palestinians to their homes, including in the north, while the distribution of humanitarian assistance would be guaranteed.

Phase Two: During this phase, Hamas would release all hostages still in captivity in Gaza, while Israel would implement “a full withdrawal” of forces from Gaza.

Phase Three: “A major multi-year reconstruction plan for Gaza” would begin and the remains of any deceased hostages still in the Gaza Strip would be returned to Israel. 

The Security Council's proposal includes a provision that if Phase One negotiations extend beyond six weeks, the ceasefire will continue as long as negotiations persist.

Additionally, the Security Council rejected any “attempt at demographic or territorial change” in the Gaza Strip, including actions that reduce the territory held by Palestinians. It also reiterated its “unwavering committment” to a two-state solution, where Israel and Palestine live side-by-side in peace within secure and internationally recognized borders.

Despite the proposal being passed by the Security Council, Israel is once again rejecting a permanent ceasefire.

While expressing some support for provisions within the proposal, Israeli officials are doubling down on their committent to not end the war until Hamas has been destroyed, a goal officials within the Israeli government have stated is impossible.

“Israel will not end the war before achieving all its war objectives: destroying Hamas’s military and governing capabilities, freeing all the hostages and ensuring Gaza doesn’t pose a threat to Israel in the future,” a statement from the Israeli government said.

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